my original posting was:
> I'm running DEC OSF (Unix) v3.2 on a DEC 3000 400.
> There is a strange thing while booting: there is a message
> "Setting kernel timezone variable"
> and the system stops
> As I press Ctrl+C, it runs with the next message (Starting LMF Manager)
> and boots OK.
> Any ideas?
The solution of the problem was that after setting the timezone (settz)
system tried to set time using ntp. The problem was that I had defined
ntp servers, and I put symbolic addresses of the servers in /etc/rc.config, but
the named is not yet running at this stage of startup, so ntp could not
resolve the names. There are to ways of solving the problem:
1. Change the order of processes run while booting and set the script
starting settz and ntpdate after the script starting named e.g.
# mv /sbin/rc3.d/S05settime /sbin/rc3.d/S16settime
2. Use ip numbers of ntp servers instead of their names in rc.config.
Many thanks go to Stuart 'Zen' Bishop <zen_at_otto.bf.rmit.edu.au>.
Thanks for replies also to:
Hellebo Knut <bgk1142_at_bggfu2.nho.hydro.com>
rduta_at_macross.umsl.edu (MD)
John Stoffel <john_at_WPI.EDU>
Tom Barkanic <intrepid!dino!tb_at_uunet.uu.net>
Steve Caine <shc_at_cfg.com>
Hope I did not miss anyone :)
_/_/_/ _/ _/ _/_/_/_/_/ Grzegorz Mucha
_/ _/ _/ _/ Civil Eng. Dept., L-5 Inst.
_/ _/ _/ _/ System Administrator
_/ _/ _/ _/ tel. +48 12 330340
_/_/_/racow _/_/_/niversity of _/echnology grzes_at_twins.pk.edu.pl
Received on Fri May 05 1995 - 03:45:34 NZST