I'm working in an ingeneer school in France (Nantes) and we have recently bought
an Alpha Station 200/166 runnig under OSF/1 3.2. We I do "df" , here what I get
Filesystem 512-blocks Used Avail Capacity Mounted on
/dev/rz0a 126462 88450 25364 78% /
/proc 0 0 0 100% /proc
/dev/rz0g 1540104 1382152 3940 100% /usr
You can see I have a problem of disk space with /usr. How can I do for getting
more space in /usr?
I have seen there is a lot of postscript files in many directories (/usr/doc,
/usr/lib, /usr/opt/BRX301,...). Can I delete them ?
There is only one statistical soft installed in /usr. There are a lot of X11
contribs and programs, are they all important ?
How can I use the fsck command ?
Patrice LUSCAN
Patrice LUSCAN
ENITIAA Tel : (33) 51 78 54 37
Rue de la Geraudiere Fax : (33) 51 78 54 38
44 072 NANTES Cedex 03 e-mail : luscan_at_enitiaa-nantes.fr
Received on Fri Jun 09 1995 - 08:44:36 NZST