SUMMARY: getty/telnet on direct and dialin line

From: <>
Date: Wed, 14 Jun 95 11:50:16 +0200


on Wed, 07 Jun 95 23:27:26 +0200 I wrote:
> We bought an ELSA MicroLink 28800 TQV V.34 modem to attach to our DEC Alpha
> 3000/300LX OSF/1 V3.0 (Rev. 347). Following the manpage instructions and
> methods discussed in this list I tried to set it up as follows:

I got two replies with helpful hints, thanks a lot to
        Dave Otto <>
        Dennis Paradis

From: Dave Otto <>

Instead of using a cascade baud rate (19200->9600->...), lock the port
to a single baud rate.

1) Connect the modem to a PC
2) Set PC port to specific bps (usually the fastest rate supported
   by your Alpha)
3) Reconfigure modem to NOT adjust port speed to match incoming line.
   Look for a setting something like "Fixed serial port rate".
   This is at&b1 for USR and many Hayes clone modems.
4) Save the modem settings.
5) Plug modem into Alpha and set serial port bps rate to same as step #2
6) Edit your gettydefs to lock in the port speed to the setting in step #2

good luck :-)


Hi Klaus,

        I suspect the problem you are having is with the setup of the
modem parameters. First of all Digital UNIX does not currently support
hardware flow control. You will need to set the modem to do XON/XOFF
flow control. Is the modem setup to auto-detect the baudrate of the
line between the DTE and the modem or is it set at a fixed baudrate?
>From your mail message it implies that the modem is set to 28800 baud
which Digital UNIX does not support. One thing you might want to consider
as a test is to force the modem to use 38400 as the baudrate between it and
the DTE and see what happens.

        As best as I can tell the /etc/gettydefs and /etc/inittab entries
look reasonable and should not be a problem.

                                                        Dennis Paradis

With fixed baudrate and XON/XOFF the modem is working fine now.
The other problem with telnet giving unreadable output even for a direct login,
which I maybe did'n emphasize enough in my message, however still persists.
As I said, kermit connects fine and using kermit to go to some other machine and
coming back from there also cures the problem.

Let me ask again: Is anything known about telnet and/or getty misbehaving like

Greetings to all.

Klaus Untch
Uni Siegen
Siegen, Germany
Received on Wed Jun 14 1995 - 15:50:02 NZST

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