SUMMARY: Can't umount an Advs filesystem with quotas.

From: <>
Date: Mon, 10 Jul 95 14:18:53 -0400

It turns out that I had a few 'hung' processes as a result of a power failure
last week. Just about everybody recommended getting lsof, available
at, which will display names of files
that are open on the specified filesystem.

It was real easy to build and I'm sure it will come in handy again...

Robert J. Adley sent this rather interesting command...

>1) do an "ps auxwwe| grep usr1"
> this should show you any processes that are running and have
> reference to usr1 in the environment they were started up
> with (note is the bsd ps (no - infront of the auxwwe)).

I'm surprised I lived through that command, wow! Killer output. Try it!
I wouldn't advise running it on a Monday morning... ;-)

Thanks for all the replies!
-Bill Sadvary

--------------original post follows---------------------------------------
This is driving me nuts, help!

The /usr1 filesystem is totally cleaned off except for the quota files..

/# df /usr1
Filesystem 512-blocks Used Avail Capacity Mounted on
usr1_domain#usr1 1395488 64 1366432 0% /usr1

/# ls -al /usr1
drwxr-xr-x 3 root system 8192 Jul 10 10:05 .
drwxr-xr-x 26 root system 8192 Jul 9 01:12 ..
drwx------ 2 root system 8192 Mar 24 15:23 .tags
-rw-r----- 1 root operator 327680 Jun 27 09:46
-rw-r----- 1 root operator 1777664 Jul 7 17:06 quota.user

/# pwd

/# umount /usr1
/usr1: Device busy

/# vquotaoff -v /usr1
/usr1: quotas turned off
/usr1: quotas turned off

/# umount /usr1
/usr1: Device busy

I chmod'ed the quota files so that I could delete them (I'm getting desperate)
but I get a "Permission denied" when trying the rm. So, I guess even though
the quotas are off the files are still being used?

Anyone have any clues? How do I umount this puppy?

-Bill Sadvary
 Dickinson College
 Carlisle, PA
Received on Mon Jul 10 1995 - 20:58:04 NZST

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