Buying used in Europe

From: Julyan Cartwright <>
Date: Tue Jul 11 18:09:58 1995

  Anyone know of places selling second hand/used DEC equipment (Alpha machines
and parts) in Europe? We want to buy used from within the EU if possible to
avoid the import taxes involved in buying stuff from outside. If I get any
information, I'll summarize, of course.
        Julyan Cartwright
Julyan Cartwright                      Email
Departament de Fisica                  NeXTmail
Universitat de les Illes Balears       WWW
07071 Palma de Mallorca, Spain         Tel/Fax  (+34 71) 173214 / 173426
Received on Tue Jul 11 1995 - 18:09:58 NZST

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