From: Massimo CARBONI <>
Date: Thu, 3 Aug 1995 14:33:49 +0100 (WETDST)

My original question was:

Hi osf-managers,
we have a TZ877 (DLT with loader 7 slots). Here in Italy DEC people is
not able to give us support and manuals to use this loader in the random
access mode.
Is'it possible to use the same device on other plattforms like HP-UX
(9000/ 7xx).
Thanks in advance.


Thanks to everybody that answer to my question.

From: anthony baxter <>
From: Harald Lundberg <>
From: "Edward C. Bailey" <>
From: "Tim W. Janes" <>

I installed the loader software from "Edward C. Bailey" using the scsi
library from "Wolfgang Barth" on our ALPHA OSF/1 Cluster. This piece of
jukebox software does nicely what I've looking for. There is really no need
to buy (expensive) software from Digital just to do random access of DLT
cassettes with the DEC-TZ877 loader.

I attached all replies to the end of this mail, including other usefull
information about DLT documentation and software.

Thanx for your quick solution.

Carboni Massimo : Centro di Calcolo Alte Energie / LNF - INFN
        Address : LNF - INFN via Enrico Fermi 40, 00044, Frascati (Rome), ITALY
           HTTP :

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Begin Replies <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
From: anthony baxter <>

for driving it on an OSF/1 or Ultrix machine:

On other machines, you're probably outta luck. I'm trying to
find out how to do it on a Solaris 2 box at the moment, and it
looks like I'll have to buy some software to do it.

Allegedly Legato Networker can drive this tape drive - I cannot
be sure because the compatability guide on their www site
( is postscript produced by Windows, and
so can not be printed on anything known to mankind.

If you're hunting for support, you want to ask for support for a
'DLT2000 stacker' - it's the same thing.


From: Harald Lundberg <>

On Tue, 25 Jul 1995, Massimo CARBONI wrote:

> Hi osf-managers,
> we have a TZ877 (DLT with loader 7 slots). Here in Italy DEC people is
> not able to give us support and manuals to use this loader in the random
> access mode.
You generally use a backup-software to handle a jukebox. DECnsr is
a very nice way to do this. DECnsr singleserver is included with
OSF1 3.2
> Is'it possible to use the same device on other plattforms like HP-UX
> (9000/ 7xx).
Sure, but the sw might not be available.
> Thanks in advance.

>From Wed Jul 26 09:37 WET 1995


>we have a TZ877 (DLT with loader 7 slots). Here in Italy DEC people is
>not able to give us support and manuals to use this loader in the random
>access mode.

You will need to install the CAM Medium Changer Driver V3.0 (CLCMC300). The
documentation is part of the distribution kit.

I have included the SPD below.


Alan Lovell




  PRODUCT NAME: SCSI CAM Layered Components SPD 50.68.04
                 for DEC OSF/1, Version 3.0


  SCSI CAM Layered Components for DEC OSF/1[R] provides device support
  components for the SCSI Common Access Method (CAM) Driver environment.
  This includes the SCSI CAM Optical Device Driver and the SCSI CAM
  Medium Changer Device Driver.

  The SCSI CAM Optical Device Driver provides the driver for SCSI
  devices that identify themselves as a SCSI-2 optical or WORM device.

  The SCSI CAM Medium Changer Driver provides the driver for the SCSI
  devices that identify themselves as a SCSI-2 Medium Changer device.

  To use an element of the SCSI CAM Layered Components products, a
  kernel rebuild is required to add the desired driver. These products
  provide device access capabilities for other Digital products
  (Consumer Applications) that require support of specific types of
  devices. The SCSI CAM Layered Components products are licensed by the
  Consumer Applications products.


  o Allows the use of SCSI-2 standard commands.

  o Supports SCSI-2 optical devices.

  o Supports SCSI-2 Medium Changer devices and includes user commands
     to manipulate Medium Changers.

  o Provides utilities to facilitate the use and administration of


  When using SCSI CAM Layered Components for DEC OSF/1[R], only direct-
  connect and adapter-based SCSI devices are supported. Controller-based
  SCSI devices are not supported. Please refer to the DEC OSF/1
  Operating System Software Product Description (SPD 41.61.xx) for
  supported SCSI configurations.
  Processor Support

  All Alpha-based processors running the DEC OSF/1 operating system are

                            DIGITAL March 1995

  SCSI CAM Layered Components SPD 50.68.04
  for DEC OSF/1, Version 3.0

  Devices Supported

  The following devices are supported on appropriate processors listed
  in the Processor Support section.

  o SCSI CAM Optical Device Driver

     Digital RWZ52, Sony[R] WDC-610, WDA-610, WDD-600, WDD-930, and
     WDD-931 WORM Drives, ATG GD9001

  o SCSI CAM Medium Changer Device Driver

     Digital TZ857 (SZ100), TZ867 (SZ106), TZ875, TZ877 (SZ107), TLZ6L,
     TL210, TL820, RW5xx, EXABYTE[R] EXB-10i, EXB-10e, and EXB-120, and
     HP[R] Models 10/10LC/20/60/100, EXB-210, EXB-440/480

  For more information on processor and device support, refer to the DEC
  OSF/1 Operating System Software Product Description (SPD 41.61.xx).


  Space Required for Installation and Permanent Use

  SCSI CAM Optical Device Driver Software:
    Root file system 10 Kbytes
    /usr/opt 1,500 Kbytes

  Space Required for Installation and Permanent Use

  SCSI CAM Medium Changer Device Driver Software:
    Root file system 20 Kbytes
    /usr/opt 2,000 Kbytes

  These counts refer to the disk space required on the system disk. The
  sizes are approximate; actual sizes will vary depending on the user's
  system environment, configuration, and software options.




  o DEC OSF/1 Operating System, Version 2.0, 2.0B, 2.1, 3.0, 3.0B, or


  SCSI CAM Layered Components SPD 50.68.04
  for DEC OSF/1, Version 3.0




  o Online Release Notes and Installation Guide

  o Online man pages


  The right to unlimited use of the components of the SCSI CAM Layered
  Components for DEC OSF/1 is granted only through the licensing of
  other products, such as specific Consumer Applications products. The
  following list outlines the specific Consumer Applications products
  and the corresponding SCSI CAM Layered Components usage rights:

  o POLYCENTER NetWorker Save and Restore for DEC OSF/1 (SPD 50.98.xx)

     Right to unlimited use of both the SCSI CAM Medium Changer Device
     Driver and the SCSI CAM Optical Device Driver.

  o POLYCENTER Hierarchical Storage Management (HSM) Solution for DEC
     OSF/1 (SPD: 50.71.xx)

     Right to unlimited use of both the SCSI CAM Medium Changer Device
     Driver and the SCSI CAM Optical Device Driver.

  o Recognition XDP Storage Manager, Version 2.1

     Right to unlimited use of both the SCSI CAM Medium Changer Device
     Driver and the SCSI CAM Optical Device Driver.

  The SCSI CAM Layered Components software is furnished under the
  licensing provisions of Digital Equipment Corporation's Standard Terms
  and Conditions. For more information about Digital's licensing terms
  and policies, contact your local Digital office.


  This product is only available as part of the OSF/1 Layered Product
 Subscription service on CD-ROM.


  SCSI CAM Layered Components SPD 50.68.04
  for DEC OSF/1, Version 3.0


  The SCSI CAM Layered Components for DEC OSF/1 is available on the
  Digital CD-ROM Software Library for DEC OSF/1 (QA-054A*-**).

  * Denotes variant fields. For additional information on available
     licenses, services, and media, refer to the appropriate price


  This product is covered by the service options of the Consumer
  Applications products. For more information, please contact your local
  Digital office.


  Warranty for this software product is provided by Digital with the
  purchase of a license for the product as defined in the Software
  Warranty Addendum of this SPD.

  The above information is valid at time of release. Please contact your
  local Digital office for the most up-to-date information.

  [R] EXABYTE is a registered trademark of Exabyte Corporation.

  [R] HP is a registered trademark of Hewlett-Packard Company.

  [R] OSF/1 is a registered trademark of Open Software Foundation, Inc.

  [R] Sony is a registered trademark of Sony Corporation.

  [TM] The DIGITAL Logo, DEC, Digital, and POLYCENTER are trademarks of
       Digital Equipment Corporation.

       All other trademarks and registered trademarks are the property
       of their respective holders.

From: "Edward C. Bailey" <>

>>>>> Massimo CARBONI <> writes:

> Hi osf-managers, we have a TZ877 (DLT with loader 7 slots). Here in
> Italy DEC people is not able to give us support and manuals to use this
> loader in the random access mode. Is'it possible to use the same device
> on other plattforms like HP-UX (9000/ 7xx). Thanks in advance.

We have this same unit, although we have it attached to an Alpha. Since
Digital Unix doesn't support random access (without buying something
expensive like Polycenter Networker Save and Restore), I wrote a utility to
control the device. To do this, I needed the format of the SCSI commands
that the loader supports. I asked around, and eventually got the order
number for a manual entitled:

           DLT2000 Cartridge Tape Subsystem/DLT2700 Mini-Library
                DLT2000 Series Magnetic Tape Product Manual

The order number for this document is:


It has probably more than you'd like to know about the DLT2700 (which is
the OEM name for the TZ877). With it, I was able to write my utility.

    Speaking of my utility, you are welcome to it. It's being used daily
on our Unix Alphas (along with the Amanda network backup software) here at
NIEHS, and some other folks on the Alpha-OSF list have gotten copies for
themselves. I understand that you are thinking about using it on an HP
system; at very least it might help you understand how to write your own
program to control the unit. Of course, if HP-UX support CAM (Common
Access Method) SCSI access, you can probably hack my utility to work.

    My utility is available via anonymous FTP from:


in the file:


If you get a copy, and you are able to get it to build under HP-UX, please
let me know, and send me a copy of the changes you had to make...

                            Good luck!


P.S. I understand that SGI OEMs this same unit, so other systems *can* use
Ed Bailey, Information Systems and Networks
(contracted to: National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences)
Research Triangle Park, NC 27709
    Voice: (919)361-9422, extension 239
      FAX: (919)361-9136
From: "Tim W. Janes" <>
I attach a very old (Oct 94) DLT FAQ - I do not know the current
status of this faq.  Larry who maintained it left DEC to work for
I also attach a README of a OSF/1 program to control the loader I do
not have a record of where I obtained it but there is an authors email
good Luck
    Frequently Asked Questions about DLT Tape Drives
    Written and Maintained by:
    Larry Kaplan
    Manager, Firmware Development, DLT Products
    Quantum Corporation
    Shrewsbury, MA, USA 01545
    Voice: (508) 770-6872
    Technical questions only, please
    Last Updated:
             3-Oct-1994 - New to this posting:
              New contact address
              Many new Q/A.  Appended to the end of the previous version.
            30-Sep-1994 - New contact information
            29-Aug-1994 - New to this posting:
              DLT Product Software Connectivity Chart
              Pointer to application notes for certain attachments
    Q: I'm thinking of buying a DLT.  What is available and what are the
        specifications ?
    A: Presently three generation of product are available.
        Product Name    Comp?  Capacity (uncomp)   User Data Rate (Uncomp)
         TZ85/THZ01      N              2.6 GB        800 KB/sec
         TZ86/THZ02      N              6.0 GB        800 KB/sec
         TZ87/DLT2000    Y             10.0 GB       1.25 MB/sec
    Q: Do these product support previous formats ?
    A: Yes, refer to table below:
        Product Name    Format         R/W
         Tx85/THZ01      TK50          R only
                         TK70          R only
                         TZ85          R/W
         Tx86/THZ02      TK50          R only
                         TK70          R only
                         TZ85          R/W
                         TZ86          R/W
         TZ87/DLT2000    TK50          R only (not supported on TZ87N or
                         TK70          R only (not supported on TZ87N or
                         TZ85          R/W
                         TZ86          R/W
                         TZ87          R/W
    Q: Is fast/wide SCSI available ?
    A: Presently, all three products support 8-bit, 5 MB/sec, SCSI, both
        single ended and differential.
    Q: What products are under development ?
    A: There's lots of bandwidth left in the technology.  Currently,
        prototypes are under test for the DLT4000, which increases
        capacity to 20 GB (uncompressed), increases the User Transfer
        Rate (uncompressed) to 1.5 MB/sec, and provides support for
        10 MB/sec (fast) SCSI, single-ended and differential.
        Other advancements will be announced in due time.
    Q: I've recently connect a DLT to my system.  It's unbelievably slow.
        What gives ?
    A: It's common for a host to disable the drive's internal cache
        if it doesn't recognize the product name string.  If this is
        true, the DLT's performance can be reduced to the sub 100KB/sec
       A second possibility is the record size being used by the host.
        The DLT 2000 is especially sensitive to record size.  In general,
        the bigger, the better.  We recommend 32K, or even 64KB records
        if possible (up to 16MB records are supported).  In general,
        any record size greater than 8KB should result in a
        bottleneck-free tape drive.  Any record size less than 8KB will
        give performance problems.  Many software packages default to
        512 byte records.  This will result in throughput in the
        100-200 KB/sec range.
    Q: The performance isn't bad, but I'm not getting the full rating
        of the tape drive.
    A: Many other factors contribute to the actual performance as seen by
        a user.  Host speed, host adapter, bus configuration, host
        software, disk characteristics, are all bottleneck considerations.
    Q: What Platforms and Software Products (Non DEC) Support DLT
    A: See Charts below:
          Product                           DLT2000  DLT2500  DLT2700  DLT4000
          Arcada Backup Exec                  Yes      Yes      Yes      Q3
          Avail - HSM                         Yes      Yes      Yes      Q4
          Cheyenne ARCserve NLM 4.05          Yes      Yes      Yes      Q3
          Cheyenne ARCserve NLM 5.01          Yes      Yes      Yes      Q3
          Conner - HSM                        Yes      Yes      Yes      Q4
          Legato - Networker                  Yes      Yes      Yes      Q3
          NovaStor NovaNet                    Yes      Yes      Yes      Q4
          Palindrome Backup Director          Yes      Yes      Yes      Q4
          Palindrome Network Archivist - HSM  Yes      Yes      Yes      Q4
          Systems Enhancement Total Recall    Yes      Yes      Yes      Q4
          Product                           DLT2000  DLT2500  DLT2700  DLT4000
          Cheyenne ARCserve/Open 1.1           Q4       Q4       Q4      Q4
          Legato UNIX                         Yes      Yes      Yes      Q3
          NovaStor - NovaVault                Yes      Yes      Yes      Q195
          Product                           DLT2000  DLT2500  DLT2700  DLT4000
          Cheyenne ARCserve/Open 1.1           Q4       Q4       Q4      Q4
          NovaStor - NovaMarch                Yes      Yes      Yes      Q195
          Product                           DLT2000  DLT2500  DLT2700  DLT4000
          Arcada - Backup EXEC for DOS        Yes       No       No      Q4
          Cheyenne ARCsolo for DOS            Yes       No       No      Q4
          NovaStor - NovaBack for DOS         Yes      Yes      Yes      Q4
          Product                           DLT2000  DLT2500  DLT2700  DLT4000
          Arcada - Backup EXEC for Windows    Yes       No       No      Q4
          Cheyenne ARCsolo for Windows        Yes       No       No      Q4
          NovaStor - NovaBack for Windows     Yes      Yes      Yes      Q4
          Product                           DLT2000  DLT2500  DLT2700  DLT4000
          Cheyenne ARCsolo for OS/2            Q4       Q4       Q4      Q4
          NovaStor - NovaBack for OS/2        Yes      Yes      Yes      Q4
    Q: Can I attach a DLT2000 to a HP9000-700 ?
    A: Yes - Mail to the FAQ maintainer and request the appropriate
        application notes.
    Q: Can I attach a DLT2000 to an IBM RS/6000 AIX 3.2 ?
    A: Yes - Mail to the FAQ maintainer and request the appropriate
        application notes.
    Q: Can I attach a DLT2000 to a SUN SPARC (Solaris 2.3) ?
    A: Yes - Mail to the FAQ maintainer and request the appropriate
        application notes.
    Q: Can I attach a DLT2000 to a SUN SPARCSTATION SunOS 4.1.3 ?
    A: Yes - Mail to the FAQ maintainer and request the appropriate
        application notes.
    Q: I understand that there is a directory of data objects stored at the
       start of the tape. If I issue a SCSI LOCATE command, does the drive
       go back to BOT to access this directory and then position? What is
       the worst case locate time?
    A: The directory is read into the drive's memory during the Load
       process and accessed from there (and updated as needed; the updated
       directory is written back on the unload.)  Typical worst case Locate
       time is about 100 seconds; there may be some cases that will be longer
       due to retries, but that is not normal.
    Q: Which SCSI commands will utilize the data object Directory and
       provide the best file search performance?
    A: The SCSI LOCATE command will give the best possible performance,
       especially relative to a Space by filemarks/Space-blocks combination.
       If the application simply wants to get to a particular filemark
       (versus a data block), then the Locate command will give equivalent
       performance to a Space-filemarks command.  The ideal situation is to
       be able to specify the ultimate destination that the application is
       trying to get to on the media with a single command, and the Locate
       command is the most general and effective way to do that.
    Q: Will any SCSI Commands lose performance without any filemarks
       on the tape?
    A: The answer is no.  In fact, without any filemarks on tape, a
       Space-blocks command becomes almost equivalent to a Locate cmd
       (except the one uses a relative count, and the other an absolute
    Q: The IBM IDRC compression algorithm checks to make sure that it is not
       expanding data.  What algorithm is used in the DLT and is it prone to
       failure with precompressed data?  What does the compression algorithm do
       to the error rate?
    A: An LZ type algorithm is used.  It does not "fail" per-se, but highly
       compressed data will expand somewhat. (IDRC compressed data usually
       gets compressed slightly more by DLT2000).  I have seen 5% expansion
       when "compressing" random data on the DLT2000.  The error rate is
       media based, so compression on/off does not affect it.
    Q: I understand that the drive will stream with data blocks that are
       at least 8KB in size. Does compression affect this? Does compression
       affect data packing and efficient use of tape?
    A: Yes. But tape streaming is not the real issue; whether the tape drive
       can keep up with the rate that the host can pump data to it or not is.
       With high compression ratios (above 3:1) the drive's data compressor
       (or the SCSI bus for that matter) may not be able to keep up with
       the data rate into the drive cache buffer to keep the drive streaming.
       In this scenario, as the cache gets full enough, the drive will be
       started, but will be able to empty the cache faster than compressed
       data can be put into it.  Under these conditions, an 8K block size
       may not be enough to ensure streaming performance at all compression
       The drive will always do data packing, whenever appropriate, so
       compression does not affect that.  Compression naturally makes for
       more efficient use of the tape media.
    Q: Is logical space truely sequential? Does compression affect the logical
    A: The device handles "defects" in a way that is completely
       logically transparent.  The Locate command deals with logical
       blocks (whether BT flag is set or clear) so it skips over
       blocks and filemarks in a logical fashion.  The only time a
       defect is not transparent is when a hard read or write error
       occurs.  A hard read error does not normally prevent accessing
       data (if any) on the media beyond the defect.
       Compression has no affect on the logical space and the host can still
       logically position to any block on the media.
    Q: Is it reasonable to always use compression?  Are there Performance
       issues?  How is data compression selected?
    A: In general, an applications will benefit from enabling data compression.
       The exception is when data has already been compressed
       with a Lempel-Ziv (or an even more powerful algorithm) compression
       method.  Such compressed data, or very random data (including
       encrypted data), will likely expand slightly (~5%).  If in doubt,
       and if there is a significant amount of such data, run some tests
       to see what sort of compression rates you actually get (use Log
       Sense Compression Status page to get compression ratios).
       If the data is compressing, throughput will increase roughly in
       direct proportion to the compression ratio from the native data
       rate, until the drive's maximum is reached.
       If a section of tape has compressed data, the front panel will indicate
       when the drive is reading compressed data.  The DLT drive will
       automatically match to the way the data was written and decompress
       whenever compressed data is requested.
       Compression can be turned on/off at any time when writing.  There
       are basically 4 ways to do this: Mode Select Device Configuration
       Page, Mode Select Compression Control Page, Mode Select VU density
       code values, and the front panel (which overrides any SCSI selection).
    Q: In compressed mode, if 5 16kbyte blocks are written will logical block
       address increment by 5? etc.  What about accessing a non-zero offset of
       the data stream?
       Whether the blocks are written in variable or fixed block
       mode, compressed or uncompressed, each block is a distinct logical
       block on the media.  The Read Position command will reflect this
       and the effect of compression is transparent.
       As for "seeking into a nonzero offset of the data stream" that
       is a filesystem function and at the SCSI level would have to be
       decomposed to some kind of Space/Locate command (possibly) and
       then issuing Read command(s).  The host would then ignore data
       until the desired byte offset is reached, and start returning
       data from that point to the application.  SCSI sequential devices
       do not have the capability to return data starting with a byte offset.
    Q: How much space does a Write Filemarks command use?
    A: It could use 0 to 8KBytes.  A Write Filemarks (WrFMs) command of
       0 will force any data in the cache onto tape.  If the last physical
       block is only partially full it must still be "closed out" and
       flushed.  This normally results in an insignificant capacity loss,
       unless WrFMs zero (alias a "flush") commands are issued very frequently.
       If this is done, it would also impact throughput performance
       because of the flush operation.  A WrFMs zero will *not* result in
       any logical block of itself (only what it flushes from previous
       write commands).  Again, it is equivalent to a "cache flush".
       A WrFms of 1 will cause the current physical block to be closed and
       flagged as containing 1 filemark, so this filemark takes up from
       zero to 8K bytes (however much unused space was left in the 8K
       physical block).  After writing 1 filemark, consecutive filemarks
       written right after that (i.e. sequential filemarks) will each
       use 1 physical block (8KB).
    Q: What happens after a powerfail or SCSI RESET during writing?  Can we
       append to the tape?
    A: On a SCSI Bus RESET, all data that is in cache is flushed to the
       media.  This might result in a partial block on media, especially
       with very big blocks (ex: 10 MB).  A power failure will naturally
       clear the device (and cache) since there is no provision for
       battery back-up within the DLT drive.
       Once a Write Filemarks with count=0 completes, the media is guaranteed
       to be synchronized with the cache (i.e. cache is flushed, all data
       and filemarks up to the flush are now on tape).  A bus Reset before
       the WrFMs zero completes will not kill the flush itself.  A power
       failure will.  The application can Space to EOD and check position
       to see if all data got flushed, but since the WrFMs zero did not
       complete (due to the powerfail) some data might be missing, and
       there might be a partial block.  However, the application can always
       go back to the position of the last *successful* flush.
    Q: For fixed block mode, what is the suggested block size?
    A: 16 KB or larger for good performance and compression rates.  Between
       8 KB and 16 KB performance should be okay.  But, below 8 KB device
       throughput starts to fall off, so 8 KB or higher should be used
       if possible.  This applies to fixed and variable block modes.
    Q: What are the number of blocks that can fit on tape?
    A: The number of blocks you can fit on a particular cartridge will vary.
       Generally you can take the rated capacity and simply divide by the
       block size you plan to use.  If compression is used, the number of
       blocks can only be roughly estimated, unless the compression ratio
       with that particular data is uniform and well characterized.
    Q: What happens when you try to select the drive during powerup, or during
       tape load/unload?
    A: After powerup, the drive will not respond for about 1 second to
       any Selection attempts, while the drive's Power-On Self Tests (POST)
       checkout the SCSI interface hardware.  After that, Selections will
       be responded to but any CDB will receive a BUSY Status, for the next
       10 or so seconds.  Then commands will be responded to normally,
       although the media might not be ready so media access commands will
       generally fail with a NotReady Sense Key.
       For load/unload, after an Unload is initiated, the media is not ready.
       After a Load command (Imm=0) completes the media will be at BOT and
       ready for media access commands.
    Q: How is media shelf life defined and specified?
    A: Shelf life is 10 years min. _at_ 20 degC and 40% RH.  After 500k passes
       the tape should continue to function normally, unless it is being used
       in an evironemnt with heat, humidity or contamination levels beyond
       those recommended.
    Q: What is a "tape pass"?  When do you recommend retiring tapes?
    A: A pass is the media passing over the head once.  A full pass would
       mean going from one end of the tape to the other.
       At this point we cannot suggest a number of passes after which a
       cartridge should be retired, because the media does not seem to
       wear out and actually improves with use.  We have tested the media
       up to 500,000 passes without degradation and use this number as
       our specification, even though a much larger number of passes could
       be attained.
    Q: How is the error rate calculated? How many retries are assumed?  Does
       the error rate apply to virgin tape or to tape which has seen 500,000
       passes?  Does it apply with compression on?
    A: Error rate is calculated based on rewrite, over-write, ECC's and
       re-reads.  The error rate for virgin vs. used tape is expected tobout the same.  The media tends to improve with usage and the
       media error rate applies to raw data on the media, so compression
       is not a factor.
| Larry Kaplan                       |                                      |
| Quantum Corporation                |                                      |
| Shrewsbury, MA 01545 USA           |                                      |
| Voice: (508) 770-6872 (office)     |                                      |
|        (508) 770-6721 (lab)        |                                      |
| FAX:   (508) 770-2869              |                                      |
|         (work/professional)                          |
|          (home/personal)                              |
                                                    6 April 1995
    You are now the proud owner of my tape loader control utility.  I wrote
this program to permit the amanda network backup software (highly
recommended: check out, in /pub/amanda for the latest copy.)
to directly control our DEC TZ877 seven-slot DLT loader.  It's been in use
now for over a month with nary a hiccup, so I thought I'd give it to others
to break. ;-)
Random Notes:
    o This program uses Wolfgang Barth's SCSI access library to talk to the
      loader via /dev/cam.  The original version of Wolfgang's library can
      be obtained from: in
      /pub/scsi/scsilib.tar.gz.  However, since Wolfgang wrote this code to
      run under DEC Ultrix, and we're running DEC OSF/1 (now called Digital
      Unix), some changes had to be made.  They're minor, but I'm making
      available a modified version of scsilib.tar.gz for those that don't
      feel the need to hack it on their own...
    o Makefile?  We don't need no steenkin' Makefile!  To build this
      program, Issue the following command:
             cc loader.c -o loader -L<libscsi-location> -lscsi
      Where <libscsi-location> is the location of libscsi.a.
    o Speaking of locations of things, I copped out and simply made a
      directory called "loader-src" on the same level as the directory
      (called "scsilib") that held Wolfgang's code.  The only artifact of
      this layout are the two #includes in loader.c that refer to
      "../scsilib/<whatever>".  So if you set up things differently, those
      #includes are going to have to change.
    o The program as written looks at the name it was invoked under in
      order to determine the name of the loader it is to control.  The name
      of the program should look something like:
      Where "foonly" is the name of the tape device.  This device is
      expected to reside in /dev, but this can be changed.  So basically
      what it does is to grab the part of the name prior to "-loader",
      prepend "/dev/" to it, and then get the bus and target (aka SCSI id)
      from that device's minor number.  This is probably completely OSF/1
      dependent, so if it doesn't work on your non-OSF/1 machine, I told ya
      Anyway, I ended up plopping the executable "loader" in
      /usr/local/bin, and then symbolically linking nrmt0h-loader and
      nrmt0m-loader to it.  This way, you can control different loaders
      with only one copy of the program.  Amanda users: Note that the
      device name the program returns is what amanda will use for backup
      purposes, so you need to get the name just right, or your tape
      density/rewind stuff will be gronked.
    o Wolfgang's library routines use a locking file to control access to
      /dev/cam.  In order to make *anything* that uses his routines work,
      you need to create a file called "cam.lock" in /usr/local/etc (touch
      works fine).  This file will need read/write permission for whoever
      will be using the loader program.  Can you move the location of the
      file?  I don't see why not, but I didn't bother.
    o As noted above, this program was written to control a DEC TZ877.  If
      I was a betting person, I'd bet that it would work on a DEC TZ875,
      and the various OEM versions that Quantum (who bought the DLT
      business from DEC recently) produces.  I tried to make the code as
      general purpose as possible, so other loaders that:
        - Dedicate a SCSI LUN (Logical Unit Number) to the loader
        - Dedicate one or more LUNs to the tape transport(s)
      will probably work.  However, be aware that loaders with multiple
      access arms (the thingies that actually move the tape from a slot to
      a tape transport) may have problems, as the code will only try to use
      the first access arm.  Also, the code assumes that there's only one
      tape transport, so loaders that have multiple transports won't work
      on this as written.  If anyone out there wants to try to rectify
      this, let me know.  In addition, since this code returns the device
      name it cobbled together from the program name, loaders that make
      their transports available as seperate devices won't be able to use
      this code, either.  If you want to modify it, let me know, which
      brings up the issue of...
    o Support?  Well, I'll be here if someone wants to donate a
      patch/enhancement to be integrated, but I can't do too much in the
      way of hand-holding.  You're pretty much on your own, gang...
                    Good Luck!
Ed Bailey, Information Systems and Networks
(contracted to: National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences)
Research Triangle Park, NC 27709
    Voice: (919)361-9422, extension 239
      FAX: (919)361-9136
From: "Edward C. Bailey" <>
>>>>> " " == Massimo CARBONI <> writes:
 > Hi Ed, I'm a DEC-Unix & HP-UX administrator, up to now I've manage 20
 > systems (workstation and servers). We've a DLT with loader TZ877 from
 > DEC, for network backup and data analysis. We would like to use this
 > system as a random access system; DEC people in Italy is not able to
 > give us any support to do this. I had submitted yesterday an e-mail to
 > the distribution list osf-managers and a got your address.  We don't
 > have any documentation, only the loader. We need a simple software to
 > access this system.
Hello!  I just read your message on  the osf list, and responded (perhaps
it's gotten to you already).  I won't repeat myself here - basically I
pointed you to a product support manual for the TZ877, and invited you to
get a copy of my loader program (which you've already done!)...
 > With this "loader" program is it possible to load a generic tape from
 > the loader TZ877 ? This is the most important improvement for us.  After
 > this I'm also interested to install your amanda software (I've 130 GB of
 > disk space).
I'm not exactly sure what you mean by a "generic tape".  The loader
mechanism doesn't really care what is on the tape, only if a particular
slot has a tape in it or not.  So yes, my loader program will load any kind
of tape from any slot.  To give you an idea of what it can do, here's the
usage screen from it:
usage: nrmt0m-loader [-slot|-info|-reset|-eject|-status] [slot-id]
 -slot slot-id   Loads the tape stored in "slot-id" into the tape drive
                 ("slot-id" may be any loader-specific ID from -status, or
                 one of the words first, last, next, prev, and current.)
 -info           Writes to stdout the current slot-id, the number of slots,
                 and a one if the loader can go backwards, a zero if it cannot
                 (ie, a gravity stacker)
 -reset          Resets the loader to a known state - the tape in the first
                 slot is loaded
 -eject          Ejects the currently loaded tape
 -status         Writes to stdout a summary of the contents of the loader
                 and the tape drive
All commands (except -status) write the current slot-id to stdout.  With the
exception of -info, this is followed by  the tape drive's device filename, or
an error message indicating the reason the command could not be completed.
Return Codes:
0-Success, 1-Non-fatal Error (Trying to load an empty slot, etc.), 2-Fatal Error
Basically, this code was written to interface directly with the amanda
network backup software, so every command (except -status) is designed with
that in mind.  I added -status as a nice human-readable command...
    As far as amanda goes, it isn't "mine", it's software written by some
people at the University of Maryland.  We've been using it for some time,
and are generally pretty happy with it.  If you need a network backup
package, you really should give amanda a try.  I think its' design is
better than many of the commercial packages available...
    If there's anything else you need to know, feel free to send me mail...
Ed Bailey, Information Systems and Networks
(contracted to: National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences)
Research Triangle Park, NC 27709
    Voice: (919)361-9422, extension 239
      FAX: (919)361-9136
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> End Replies <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Received on Thu Aug 03 1995 - 15:09:14 NZST

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