Hello OSF managers
I try to tune my system with the /etc/sysconfigtab
and the ubc-maxpercent parameter :
ubc-maxpercent = 70
My system :
Alphastation 200 4/166 with 64 Mo of RAM and 384MB of swap
OSF1 V3.2 17
Firmware revision: 3.9
PALcode: OSF version 1.35
The program which takes 70 Mo of memory runs very fast
but sometime the system hang, i have to reset and boot.
The kern.log file says :
Aug 2 16:01:58 come vmunix: UBC write error(4) on device (0, 0) at block 4992 s
ize 8192
Aug 3 09:59:37 come vmunix: UBC write error(4) on device (0, 0) at block 53232
size 8192
Aug 3 10:11:33 come vmunix: UBC write error(4) on device (0, 0) at block 33648
size 8192
Aug 3 11:53:57 come vmunix: UBC write error(4) on device (0, 0) at block 1248 s
ize 8192
Aug 3 12:02:10 come vmunix: UBC write error(4) on device (0, 0) at block 5312 s
ize 8192
Aug 3 13:55:27 come vmunix: UBC write error(4) on device (0, 0) at block 912 si
ze 8192
I'd like to tune the station for memory pig Fortran programs.
How can i tune my system without crash it ?
Thanks, I'll summarize.
Pierre Didierjean - cisitm_at_albert.cad.cea.fr - C.I.S.I
Aix-en-Provence, France | Opinions expressed are my own and
Phone : | not necessarily those of my agency.
Received on Fri Aug 04 1995 - 10:27:57 NZST