hello netlanders,
next week there's a software coming to us on a 4mm DAT
written on a HP -machine. The Seller only say's he needs an
HP-compatible tape drive.
Question: does anyone of you know if there's a problem / no
problem reading such a tape on our TLZ07 on a ALPHAserver
2000 ?
TIA, Andreas
| Andreas Schuenemann Tel.: 04421-804-328 |
| Fachhochschule Wilhelmshaven Fax : 04421-81950 |
| Rechenzentrum RFC-822:schuenem_at_rz.fh-wilhelmshaven.de |
| Friedrich-Paffrath-Str.101 X.400: /c=de /a=d400 /p=fh-wilhelmshaven|
| 26389 Wilhelmshaven /ou=rz /s=schuenemann |
Received on Tue Aug 29 1995 - 07:59:16 NZST