Kerberos IV - Compiling

From: <>
Date: Fri, 15 Sep 95 14:58:58 EST

       I realize that this question has been asked previously. However, I
     could not find any answers. So, I'll give it whirl.
       As great as Kerberos V is, there are still quite a few products
     (including Digitals) that will only interoperate with Kerberos IV.
     Therefore, if one is to utilize DEC UNIX to facilitate authentication,
     one must have Kerveros version 4 working on the DEC UNIX machine.
     Question: Has anyone tried or been successful in the compiling of
               Kerberos IV onto a DEC UNIX platform? And if so, were there
               any problems during the procedure?
     Bob Beazley
     Cns Consulting
Received on Fri Sep 15 1995 - 21:37:28 NZST

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