Summary: Mounting a CDFS

From: Chua Koon Teck <>
Date: Tue, 26 Sep 1995 08:49:23 +0800 (SST)


Attached below is the summary to my query on mounting a cdfs cdrom.

Thank you.

Have a nice day.


Chua Koon Teck
Singapore Telecom

My original question :

I am trying to mount the Firmware Update V3.3 on my DEC3000 server using :

mount -rt cdfs -o noversion /dev/rz4c /mnt

But it reply :
/dev/rz4c on /mnt: No such device

I read that my kernel must be configured for the ISO 9660 CDFS in order
to mount the cdfs CD-ROM. How can I check if the kernel support CDFS ?
How can I configure the kernel to support CDFS ?

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Mon, 25 Sep 1995 12:59:06 +0200
From: Fabio Bossi - J.R.C. Euratom Ispra - ISPRA (VA) - Italy <>
Subject: Re: Mounting a CDFS

 check in: /usr/sys/conf the file <hostname> which is the uppercase version
 of your hostname. It should contain a line:
 options CDFS
 If not, insert it at the end of all other "options" lines & reconfigure
 the kernel, i.e.:
 cd /usr/sys/conf
 doconfig -c <hostname>
 n (don't edit it)

 At the end:

 shutdown in single user
 mv /vmunix /vmunix.sav
 mv /sys/<hostname>/vmunix /vmunix

 Regards, fabio bossi
Received on Tue Sep 26 1995 - 02:08:16 NZST

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