FTP and NetSite problem

From: <armand_at_globe.com.ph>
Date: Fri, 29 Sep 1995 03:44:14 -0600 (CST)

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Date: Tue, 26 Sep 1995 10:47:53 +0800
From: armand_at_globe.com.ph
Subject: FTP and NetSite problem
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Hi! I have 2 questions to ask:

1. I'm getting this error on my console
     " Sept 26 08:39:40 g-net ftpd[2323]: cannot stat private access file
   I notice that this error pops out every time a user uploads a file from
his PC to his home directory on the server. Most of the time, the users
cannot upload files.

2. I was trying to activate the server side include. I logged in to
http://globe.com.ph/admin, prompts me with the username and password but I'm
always getting authentication failed. Is there any known problem of NetSite
under C2 Security? How can enabled this feature directly on the server?


Armand Lagunilla
System Administrator-G-Net
Received on Fri Sep 29 1995 - 12:39:05 NZST

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