3.2c - X protocol error?

From: <amy_at_aloha.gsfc.nasa.gov>
Date: Fri, 29 Sep 1995 09:52:44 -0600 (CST)

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From: amy_at_aloha.gsfc.nasa.gov
Subject: 3.2c - X protocol error?
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I recently upgraded to digital unix v3.2c on my 3000/300x.
I tried out CDE, decided it was still too buggy, and went
back to XDM. However, I've started getting some errors
at login. They show up on dxconsole. The error looks like:

X protocol error detected by server: BadWindow (invalid Window parameter)
  Failed request major op code 3

I get this error twice after all the windows have opened. Nothing else appears
to be wrong. Has anyone else seen this or know what it might portend?

Oh, also: I've been getting the error -

lk201: keyboard error, code=b6 last=ffffff80/13

on a pretty regular basis (say every week or so) for ages. It just now
occurred to me that I don't even have an lk201, I have an lk401. Can
anyone tell me what this keyboard error is about, and if there's a way
to fix it?

Thanks very much,


Amy Skowronek Solar Data Analysis Center
amy_at_aloha.gsfc.nasa.gov NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center
(changing to amy_at_aloha.nascom.nasa.gov on 10/4)
Received on Fri Sep 29 1995 - 19:21:32 NZST

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