4mm dat for distribution media?

From: Jim Johnson - UniPrise Systems - 617.229.1105 <jj_at_uniprise.com>
Date: Fri, 29 Sep 1995 05:25:11 -0600 (CST)

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Date: Mon, 25 Sep 1995 14:28:36 -0400
From: "Jim Johnson - UniPrise Systems - 617.229.1105" <jj_at_uniprise.com>
Subject: 4mm dat for distribution media?
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Hi All,

This may be a no brainer and may not even belong here so forgive me in

We have built our product into a setld'able kit form and now want
create tape distributions onto 4mm dat's

Problem: The kitcap man page and everything else I can find only talk
          about mt9 and tk50's.

Question: Is it possible/supported to use 4mm dat for software
          distribution via a setld kit and if so how?

Thanks in advance,

Jim Johnson                                The Optimist believes we live  
UniPrise Systems Inc.                      in the best of all possible
email: jj_at_uniprise.com                     worlds, the Pessimist fears
Voice: 617.229.1105   Fax: 617.229.0014    this is true.
Received on Sat Sep 30 1995 - 05:02:30 NZST

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