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Date: Fri, 29 Sep 1995 15:19:21 +0100 (MET)
From: Julyan Cartwright <>
Subject: Information on mailing lists
To: (DEC Alpha mailing list), (HP mailing list)
Reply-to: Julyan Cartwright <>
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Since yesterday, when I sent a summary of the things I learned about
network analysers to the HP and Dec Alpha mailing lists, I've been deluged
with requests from people on the Alpha list who want to know where is the
HP list, and from an equal number of people on the HP list who didn't know
about the Alpha list...
So, here for everybody is the infomation I have:
Bart Muyzer runs an HP-UX system administration mailing list. To reach
ALL MEMBERS of the list, send e-mail to <>; to SUBSCRIBE,
send mail to <>. The following commands (in the
subject line) can be handled automatically by the administrative request
filter processor <>:
subscribe - to subscribe yourself to the list
unsubscribe - to unsubscribe yourself from the list
members - to get a list of all subscribers
Problems, questions, suggestions and the like should go to the address
DEC Alpha:
This mailing list is managed by a utility called Majordomo.
You can subscribe to the list by sending a message like:
subscribe alpha-osf-managers
to Likewise, if you want to remove yourself from the list,
send the message:
unsubscribe alpha-osf-managers
to the same address.
For a complete list of Majordomo commands, use the command:
Send DEC Alpha AXP management queries and summaries to
There are also Sun, SGI, IBM, etc managers lists. I'm sure I used to have a
list of all the managers' lists, but I can't find it now. If anyone has such
a list of lists, I suggest it gets added to the FAQ - it looks like people
are having a hard time finding out about the lists.
Julyan Cartwright Email
Departament de Fisica NeXTmail
Universitat de les Illes Balears WWW
07071 Palma de Mallorca, Spain Tel/Fax (+34 71) 173230 / 173426
Received on Sat Sep 30 1995 - 20:02:17 NZST