Thanks to those who helped out, particularly Hugh Messenger.
Basically, I had to just remove innshellvars from the /site directory so
that the install could write it. After that it compiled fine, as far as
I could tell.
Two more questions:
1.) When creating lint, I get several pages of errors. Is this normal?
It seems to continue fine and builds the executables, but I am wondering
if this might be a problem.
2.) I have a working INN1.4 running on my Alpha, but the reason I am
rebuilding is to change the CHECK_QUOTED_TEXT option to DONT. From what
I can tell, in.nnrpd handles this when the user connects. Is there
any good way to just build nnrpd and drop it in over my current one?
John Banghart
System Administrator
SuperNet Interactive Services, Inc.
Received on Fri Oct 06 1995 - 16:42:03 NZDT