SUMMARY: exporting to a netgroup

From: <"Dave>
Date: Mon, 16 Oct 1995 21:15:41 EDT

Original problem:

I found that, although I could export a filesystem to clients hosts by
listing their hostnames explicitly in /etc/exports, the clients could
not NFS mount the filesystems if I instead exported the filesystem to
a netgroup (containing those clients). (I had made sure to re-push the
NIS maps). My OS is Digital Unix v3.2c.

Thanks to all who responded:


If you're exporting to a NIS netgroup and you change the definition
of that netgroup, you must stop and restart NFS services on the
server to have that change take effect. This can be done by:
/sbin/init.d/nfs start (or stop)

Sending mountd a HUP signal did not do the trick. I'm not sure why this
is necessary, or whether this is a unique solution, but it works for me.

-Dave Wolinski University of Michigan
Received on Tue Oct 17 1995 - 13:11:19 NZDT

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