Original question:
Is there a map that links the lmf subset names and the setld
product names? I gave an example of four names given
for one of the products:
Subset name (from the setld -i): AFAADVANCED320
Product Name (from lmf list full: ADVFS-UTILITIES
Directory: afs320
alan_at_nabeth.cxo.dec.com (Alan Rollow
Once upon a time, there was a bureaucracy built around the nameing
of things; subsets, licenses, products, etc. While their goal was
to help maintain some consistency, as often as not, they simply
prevented useful products from being released because the red tape
they put was enough to scare small products off. It is hard to
make a profit when the engineers spend more time dotting the i's
of half a dozen product release check lists than writing code.
As DEC lost money, parts of this bureaucracy had to be cut away.
There's still some of it left, but they don't try as hard to
maintain the consistenty. They're still trying to hard at
product prevention :-)
And their the consisency of naming is complicated by a number
of things.
1. Setld. The naming convention of setld is simple:
The product code is limited to three letters. There used to
to be an convention around using the last to indicate architecture
when VAX and MIPS releases of ULTRIX products were released, but
this has been ignored on most Alpha products.
The subset can be whatever the engineers want it to be. There
are some conventions; DOC, MAN, BASE.
And finally three characters for the versions; major, minor
and revision.
300 = V3.0
250 = V2.5
Unfortunately, some release engineerings can't keep up with their
product managers and quirks happen:
OSFBASE350 = OSF base system software V3.2C
2. Somebody who doesn't know how to spell UNIX hands out PAK
names. They have some internal standard to maintain and the
best we can hope for is that spend a second or two listening
to our suggestions.
3. I think, yet a different group assigns the UPI and it has very
strict standards to follow; xx-yyyzz-m*
xx - selects license type; cluster, service, documentation,
traditional, etc.
yyy - UPI
zz - who knows.
m* - Media type.
If you can get a copy of our software price book, it will have pages
that explain the 2-5-2 numbering and nearly all the magic decoder
rings you'd need to make as much sense of it as can be made. That
will give you a map between product name and UPI.
I think there is a listing file on the CD that also maps product
name, UPI and directory.
Unfortunately, I don't know of anybody that adequately documents
the PAK names that are needed and *I* have found it annoying.
(editor: yah, what he said!)
I suppose everybody assumes that since a paper PAK comes with the
product that it is obvious looking at the paper which is which.
Unfortunately, I can get all the non-royalty bearing PAKs at
once and have hard a time figureing which was which. You're
better when you have the full PAK, but in the cases were it
only has the LMF information on it; well that's why you're
asking the question.
(editor: yup)
My suggestion is to complain to each and every product group
about the lack of documentation on the PAK name. Installation
guides say you need the PAK, but they rarely say what the PAK
product name is.
(editor: I wouldn't expect them to be able to unless they had
the map 8^)
Even if there were one central clearing house for these sorts
of complaints I suspect they'd go back into the product prevention
business rather than product quality business.
maillard_at_atyisa.enet.dec.com> Benoit Maillard - Digital France:
The hard part is LMF: The only place it is stored into CAN BE a string
into an executable or a library that is part of the kit. So you can try:
zcat < COMPRESSEDSUBSET | tar xvf - filesInUsrBin
then strings thos files to look for an UPPERCASE string.
This is not determinist. You have to do it by hand and then figure out
what looks cryptic enough to be the LMF Prodname string. :-(
Ray Stell stellr_at_vt.edu (540) 231-4109 KE4TJC 28^D
Received on Tue Oct 24 1995 - 18:04:04 NZDT