oh I do love advfs.

From: Richard A. Muirden <richard_at_rmit.edu.au>
Date: Sun, 29 Oct 1995 20:26:45 +1000 (EST)

Followup-To: poster
Precedence: bulk
"mmmmmm.. advfs" (Homer voice).


That's what I have to say. For the nth time in two months our alpha2100
(4/200, 3.2C) decides it doesn't like it's /usr/local domain. The disk
checks out. Everything checks out. I found a cool little util in /usr/field
which told me the system thought /usr/local was mounted even though whenever
you try and mount it the system upends with a panic, some error at line 2727
in advfs modeule 6x (I think 63, 65 or 66 - it flashes past too fast to
see). Do you think I could get it back? There's msfsck - just what we'd
want, but oh no, it wants a smegging mounted domain with a .tags dir. That
kind of defeats the purpose of it doesn't it?

Nothing I could do would bring poor humpty back together again. Of course
we had backups from friday, but I mean this keeps happening. The disk
checks out. The system checks out. I can't figure it out. It's like
the advfs stuff is broken in some obscure way. Funny, as it only seems
to have happened since we went to 3.2C.

As a protest I have made /usr/local a ufs filesystem.

However we have bigger filesystems using advfs (ie: 5gig, etc)... I
like the features of advfs, but I'm not going to like it if it decides
to do this to student data, or staff data that changes all the time.



Richard A. Muirden, Sys. Admin |Fan of Shostakovich, "Star Trek" and BOEING! 
Mailto: richard_at_rmit.EDU.AU    |Fly the Friendly Skies of United Airlines !
Phone: (+61 3) 9660 3814       |I created alt.fan.shostakovich! Fly: UA,AN,WN
http://www.rmit.edu.au/richard |Can *YOU* beat my 119 Shost CD's? :-)
   * 1995: Remembering 20 years since the death of Shostakovich (1906-75) *
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