Scheduled backups with Networker

From: Julyan Cartwright <>
Date: Thu, 2 Nov 95 19:10:01 MET

Hi folks,
I've been trying out Networker save and restore which comes with 3.2C.
It's a nice piece of software, but I can't get it to do what I want...
We have the default single server licence which I guess comes packaged
with 3.2C, and this seems to mean that almost all features are disabled.
Fair enough that the fancy stuff like cross network backups won't work,
but all I want to do is to set up a scheduled backup of one machine onto
it's own tapedrive. This works, but only if I want to backup the whole
filesystem at one go, which I don't. As far as I can see, there is no way
to set Networker to back up say just /users in a backup schedule. Am I
supposed to buy more licences from DEC to do something this simple?
Julyan Cartwright                   Email
Departament de Fisica               NeXTmail
Universitat de les Illes Balears    WWW
07071 Palma de Mallorca, Spain      Tel/Fax  (+34 71) 173230 / 173426
Received on Thu Nov 02 1995 - 19:49:22 NZDT

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