ANS: Password at boot time

From: <"Lucien>
Date: Tue, 14 Nov 95 10:50:00 PST


          The system multi user boot sequence involves the /etc/inittab file.
          The single user boot will logon root on /dev/console and start the
          shell "sh" which executes the /.profile.
          Write a "chkpass.c" program to validate the password.
          Modify the /.profile to:
          1. "trap" all the interrupts; this IS VERY IMPORTANT
          2. run the chkpas command
          3. if password OK for root, then just "exit" to leave root on console
          4. if password wrong, then "init 3" will enter the multi user mode
          What you MUST do next is to protect against "multi user boot
          failures" problems which bring you back in single user mode. You will
          have to find and modify ALL the commands referend to in /etc/inittab
          that do "kill -TERM 1" by running the "chkpass" to protect the
          console mode. In case of wrong password, the best thing there is to
          "reboot. One of those commands that need to be modified is "bcheckrc"
          but there may be more (e.g. if you run "lsm"). Also, remember to use
          the shell "trap" in those procedures as well.
          You shall also consider defining a password for the "hardware console
          mode" to prevent anybody from typing a boot command for another drive
          (e.g. the CDROM) and thus go around your protection.
          Good luck
                                Lucien Hercaud
          #include <pwd.h>
          #include <strings.h>
          #include <stdio.h>
          int argc;
          char *argv[];
                static char prompt[80];
                static char pwkey[3];
                static char *user = "root";
                char *pp, *getpass(), *crypt();
                struct passwd *getpwnam(), *pw;
                if (argc>1) user = argv[1];
                sprintf(prompt,"Enter %s password to continue : ",user);
                if ((pp=getpass(prompt)) == NULL) exit(1);
                if ((pw=getpwnam(user)) == NULL) exit(1);
                if (!strcmp(crypt(pp,pwkey),pw->pw_passwd)) exit(0);
                set `/sbin/who -r`
                echo "$3"
          # Main
          trap "/sbin/kill -9 $$" 1 2 3 15
          if test "`RunLevel`" = "S"
               trap "
               echo 'Interrupted; Entering Multi User Mode'
               /sbin/init 3
               /sbin/kill -9 $$ # NOT REACHED
               " 1 2 3 15
               /chkpass || {
                    /chkpass operator || {
                         echo 'No way hacker!; Entering Multi User Mode'
                         /sbin/init 3
                         /sbin/kill -9 $$ # NOT REACHED
                    echo 'No way hacker!; Entering Multi User Mode'
                    /sbin/init 3
                    /sbin/kill -9 $$ # NOT REACHED
          # fall thru code
          # whatever originally was in your .profile goes here
          stty dec crt new
          export PATH
          exit 0
Received on Tue Nov 14 1995 - 13:47:11 NZDT

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