SUMMARY: NFS exporting volumes > 15GB SOLVED

From: Peter Marquardt <marquardt_p_at_MPIMG-Berlin-Dahlem.MPG.DE>
Date: Thu, 30 Nov 1995 14:58:58 EST

Since quite a while I had a problem exporting huge partitions via NFS
which resulted in "NFS3 server foobar not responding still trying" hangs
whilst climbing down a directory tree on the client.

This problem is solved (locally, no replies from the list).

Reason for this behavior:

NFS-Server <-- FDDI --> [] <-- Ethernet --> NFS-Client

Ethernet has a maximum transfer unit size (MTU) of 1500.
FDDI has 4352.

Setting down the MTU on the FDDI from 4352 to 1500 solves
this NFS problem at a glance. (ifconfig fta0 ipmtu 1500)

  ipmtu mtu_value
            Alters the size of the maximum transfer unit (MTU) for messages
            that your system transmits. It might be necessary to reduce the
            MTU size so that bridges connecting token rings can transfer
            frames without error.

It might be wise to add such a note to the DEC NFS manpages, since NFS
is the only program to die on the default FDDI MTU (everything else works
fine, as far as I have seen).

hope this helps others,


Dipl.Ing. Peter Marquardt/// SysAdmim Max-Planck-Institute Molecular Genetics
|| /// || --==> Earth-Germany-Berlin-Dahlem <==-- ||
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Received on Thu Nov 30 1995 - 15:35:28 NZDT

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