>Thanks to H.J.Mos_at_fys.ruu.nl,
> who sent me the following information:
>The firmware upgrade is available as:
>You can upgrade the 600 via bootp.
In general, I wouldn't trust firmware from sources other than Digital. Not to
say anything bad about H.J.Mos_at_fys.ruu.nl, since I haven't met him. :) The
official location for alpha firmware is:
(where v*.* = the CD version number, such as V3.3).
http://www.service.digital.com/alpha/server/firmware/ has detailed
instructions for obtaining and installing firmware on all alpha systems via a
variety of methods (i.e. BOOTP, MOP, FAT floppy, and more). You definitely want
to have this on your hotlist/bookmark.
If this site is too slow or far away for European alpha users, then Digital
should mirror these files from a closer site. Digital?
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Received on Thu Dec 07 1995 - 16:31:11 NZDT