advfs I/O error: setld

From: Manager <>
Date: Mon, 11 Dec 1995 14:07:54 +0000

Hi Gurus,

Grateful for any leads on the following message, which appears
(since a couple of hours ago) every few minutes on my console log:

advfs I/O error: setld 0x30585a5a.0001b683.2.8001 tag 0x00001330.8001u page 0
        vd 3 blk 93616 blkCnt 16
        read error = 5

I have a sort of suspicion that it might be to do with
a discrepancy in the file /usr/.smdb.

Many thanks,


Andrew T. Lloyd Irish National Centre for BioInformatics (INCBI)
                   Genetics Dept, Trinity College, Dublin 2
tel: (+353)-1-608-1969 fax: (+353)-1-679-8558
Received on Mon Dec 11 1995 - 15:44:32 NZDT

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