SRM console and the language variable, BUG ?

From: Hellebo Knut <>
Date: Wed, 13 Dec 1995 16:46:01 +0100


Some time ago I posted the following question about firmware upgrade for a
Alphastation 400 4/233.

Hello, it's me again !

Another chapter in the neverending story:
When trying to do

set ewa0_inet_init bootp
set ewa0_protocols bootp

the system dies writing out the following messages:

Avanti Processor Machine Check Through Vector 00000670
Logout frame address 0x6000 code 0x20c
Avanti Machine Check Code --> 0x20c Non Existent Memory Error

and a whole bunch of register dumps.
I assume this has something to do with a misconfigured ISA bus, but the
'Owners Manual' has disappeared, so here I am.
Any clues ???

I've later discovered that the problems was caused by setting the language
variable to something other than English(American) (specifically; norwegian).
If I reset the language back to English(American) everything is OK.
Is this a known bug ??? (This also happens for SRM version 5.0 for
Alphastation 400 4/233 and 6.2 for DEC 3000/400 but for DEC 3000s there are
other errormessages)

      *         Knut Helleboe                    | DAMN GOOD COFFEE !! *
      *         Norsk Hydro a.s                  | (and hot too)       *
      * Phone: +47 55 996870, Fax: +47 55 996342 |                     *
      * Pager: +47 96 500718                     |                     *
      * E-mail:       | Dale Cooper, FBI    *
Received on Wed Dec 13 1995 - 18:09:36 NZDT

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