OOPS sendmail 3.2c strangeness

From: Sheila Hollenbaugh <shollen_at_valhalla.cs.wright.edu>
Date: Thu, 14 Dec 1995 08:10:31 -0500 (EST)

This is an oops addendum to the summary sent earlier: Adding the S
flag to the flags sent to /bin/mail did fix the From daemon problem,
but now all mail sent locally on the system which actually delivers
the email shows From root. Suggestions???

Sheila Hollenbaugh Sr. Computer Systems Engineer
Wright State University College of Engineering & Computer Science
Dayton, OH 45435 Voice: (513) 873-5077 FAX: (513) 873-5009
shollen_at_cs.wright.edu or shollen_at_valhalla.cs.wright.edu
Received on Thu Dec 14 1995 - 22:30:12 NZDT

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