Dumping /var/adm/lastlog

From: Saul Tannenbaum <stannenb_at_emerald.tufts.edu>
Date: Thu, 14 Dec 1995 17:19:01 -0500 (EST)

Can someone point me to or provide me with a procedure (Perl, C, I
don't care what) to dump the /var/adm/lastlog file in some
formatted way?

Thanks in advance.

        - Saul

Saul Tannenbaum, Manager, Academic Systems | "It's still rocket  
                stannenb_at_emerald.tufts.edu |    science" - Vint Cerf
Tufts University Computing and             |
                Communications Services    |http://www.tufts.edu/~stannenb
Received on Thu Dec 14 1995 - 23:57:01 NZDT

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