I have received confirmation that the header problems in
DU 3.2c mail are indeed caused by /bin/mail. The definitive fix
is to replace the 3.2c /bin/mail with a /bin/mail executable from
a previous version of DU, and that really does fix the problem.
Adding additional flags to the Mlocal line(s) is not necessary if
you replace the /bin/mail binary. I have heard that this is a
genuine bug in 3.2c /bin/mail, and should be fixed in later DU
Sheila Hollenbaugh Sr. Computer Systems Engineer
Wright State University College of Engineering & Computer Science
Dayton, OH 45435 Voice: (513) 873-5077 FAX: (513) 873-5009
shollen_at_cs.wright.edu or shollen_at_valhalla.cs.wright.edu
Received on Fri Dec 15 1995 - 16:10:08 NZDT