As usual, this list proved to be great.
My problem was to find why my poor / partition was 100% full.
I received more than 20 answers, please don't feel irritated if I don't
report all your names... They all pointed to the same solutions:
1) check that your system doesn't contain extra copies of vmunix
2) check that there are no huge files in /dev
somebody could have made a backup on /dev/rmtoh (letter o instead of
3) check the mails in the spool files
4) to look for large file, type
find -mount -type f -size +2000 --> will report files larger than 2000
find / -xdev -size +2000 -print --> -xdev will ensure that find
searches only in the / partition
5) du -sk * from / will show the abnormally large directories
Answer: my problem came from a stammering PC with a misconfigured Eudora
which filled /Mail ....
Thanks to all of you!
| Jean-Loup Risler | |
| Universite de Versailles | Tel: (33-1) 39 25 45 54 |
| Lab. Genome et Informatique | Fax: (33-1) 39 25 45 69 |
| Batiment Buffon | |
| 45 Avenue des Etats-Unis | email: |
| 78035 Versailles Cedex France | |
Received on Fri Dec 15 1995 - 19:00:58 NZDT