[SUMMARY] Increasing partition size

From: Dave Roberts <djr_at_saa-cons.co.uk>
Date: Tue, 19 Dec 1995 12:08:31 +0000 (GMT)

Thanks to:

Olle Eriksson <olle_at_cb.uu.se>
David R Courtade <drc_at_amherst.com>

And no doubt many others that will reply as well. The idea being:

> 5) To change to root partition you will need to:
> back it up
> boot an OSF-CD and enter maintenance mode
> run disklabel
> newfs the partition
> restore the data

Sounds a nightmare! Thanks again.

Dave Roberts | "Just paddling out into big surf is a total
Unix Systems Administrator | commitment" * "You can't just call time-out
SAA Consultants Ltd | and stroll on back to the beach if you don't
Plymouth, UK <EDI Services> | like the way things are going" - Point Break
Received on Tue Dec 19 1995 - 13:40:53 NZDT

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