SUMMARY: Mail cannot be sent outside (1)(2)(3)

From: Dicky Shum <>
Date: Mon, 8 Jan 1996 18:52:56 +0800

Thanks for everyone who respond this problem.

In summary, my problem is that we cannot send mail to those who are not in our

   ----- Transcript of session follows -----
While talking to
>>> HELO
<<< 553 Local configuration error, hostname not recognized as local
554 <>... Service unavailable

We have an Internet AlphaSever 1000 and we would like to configure it as a
WWW Server, FTP Server, News Server and Mail Hub.

The problem was created by incorrect 'mailsetup'. We setup the machine as
a general relay and a mail hub. Since the machine is connected to Internet
directly. We don't need general relay to forward mail.

Thanks to,,

Both of them point out my setup mistakes.

and also thanks for,,,,

The following is the complete setup script.

                            MAIL SETUP

Mailsetup configures the sendmail(8) utility. This allows users
on your local machine to send and/or receive mail in a networked

Mailsetup will prompt you for information. Some of these questions
have a default answer contained within square brackets. If you
simply press <Return>, the default answer is assumed.

Continue ([y]/n) ? y

                        TYPE OF MAIL SETUP

You may perform a quick setup, or an advanced setup of mail. A
quick setup is ideal for workstations that wish to have all of
their mail handled by a centralized machine. Quick setup:

    - Forwards all mail to a relay machine. This implies
      that users can create and send mail, but cannot read
      it on the local machine.

    - Formats the mail so that it looks as it was created on
      the relay.

    - Uses TCP/IP (SMTP) to send the mail to the relay.

    - Since no mail is delivered locally, to read your mail
      you must login to another host. Usually this is
      a central time share machine.

Do you wish to do a quick setup ([y]/n) ? n

                        HOST DEFINITION

The unqualified hostname is the name of this machine without the
domain extension. For example: a machine called `'
would have an unqualified name of `foo'.

Enter the unqualified hostname for this machine [ cmhk ]: cmhk

[ cmhk ] is this correct ([y]/n) ? y

The m4 configuration file /var/adm/sendmail/cmhk.m4
has been found.

Do you wish to use this file for default values ([y]/n) ? n

                        DOMAIN DEFINITION

If your machine is part of a registered domain, that name should
be defined here. Some example domains are ZK3.DEC.COM, MIT.EDU,

If you do not have a domain, enter `LOCAL' here.

Enter the BIND domain name for this machine [ ]:

[ ] is this correct ([y]/n) ? y


A top level domain is needed if your organization uses any other
protocols besides TCP/IP to deliver mail (e.g. DECnet or UUCP).
The top domain is used to encapsulate mail addresses for these
non-IP protocols before sending mail out over the Internet.

An example of a top domain is `DEC.COM'. `DEC.COM' is the top
domain for the `ZK3.DEC.COM' domain.

Enter the Top domain name for this machine [ ]:

[ ] is this correct ([y]/n) ? y

                      ADDING A GENERAL RELAY

Most sites should define a general relay. If your host cannot
resolve how to deliver a mail message, the mail is forwarded to
this general relay for processing.

Do you wish to add a general purpose relay ([y]/n) ? n


A Mail Hub is a machine that can handle mail sent to `user_at_domain'.
It has aliases for everyone in your local domain. When it receives
mail addressed to `', it looks up `user' in the
alias file and forwards the mail to its final destination.

Note: if you are planning mail for your site, it is recommended
    that you configure at least one host as a Mail Hub and set up
    BIND MX records. The MX records will direct mail sent to
    `' to your Mail Hub.

Is cmhk a Mail Hub (y/[n]) ? y

                           MAIL CLUSTER

A Mail Cluster creates the illusion that everyone in your local
domain exists on a single machine. This means that instead of
sending mail to `', you can send it to `user',
regardless of which machine that their mailbox resides on.

To create a Mail Cluster requires *all* machines in your local
domain ( share a common alias file identifying
every user in your domain. This is usually done by YP, BIND, or
by copying an alias file to all the hosts in your domain.

Is cmhk part of a Mail Cluster (y/[n]) ? n


When mail leaves your local domain (, your return
address needs to be qualified. You can qualify it in one of the
following ways:

    1) - qualify with your machine name.
    2) - qualify with only your domain name.

Option #2 (`') is recommended.

Enter the tcp address format [ 2 ]: 2

[ 2 ] is this correct ([y]/n) ? y

                     LOCAL USERS AND ALIASES

Some user names, such as `root', `daemon', and `system', are
common to all machines. To avoid confusion any outgoing mail
sent by these local users are always qualified with your
machine's name, e.g. "From: root_at_cmhk".

The following is the list of local users:

    daemon mailer-daemon news nobody pop postmaster
    rdist root uucp

Do you wish to modify this local users/aliases list (y/[n]) ? n

Do you want aliases in /var/adm/sendmail/aliases to be considered local?

Aliases considered local ([y]/n) ? y

                           UUCP SECTION

This section sets up your machine for UUCP mail. If you use UUCP
at your site or need to setup a UUCP relay answer `yes' to the
the following question.

Do you wish to recognize UUCP style addresses ([y]/n) ? n

                          DECnet SECTION

This section sets up your machine for DECnet mail. If you use
DECnet in your organization, or need to deal with DECnet style
addresses answer `yes' to the following question.

Do you wish to recognize DECnet style addresses ([y]/n) ? n

                            UMC SECTION

This section sets up your machine for UMC mail. If you use UMC
at your site or need to deal with UMC style addresses answer `yes'
to the following question.

Do you wish to recognize UMC style addresses ([y]/n) ? n


Are there any other names that are used to send mail to this
machine? For instance, if you have changed this host's name (or
plan to in the near future), a nickname allows sendmail to
recognize both names, "cmhk" and the nickname, as synonyms
for this machine.

Another good use for nicknames occurs when a host receives mail
from multiple different networks. A host's name may not be the
same on all of the different networks. Again, nicknames allows
sendmail to recognize these different names as synonyms for this

Do you wish to enter nicknames for this machine (y/[n]) ? n


Do you wish to complete the installation? If you answer `yes',
the new configuration will replace `', and sendmail
will be restarted.

Complete the setup ([y]/n) ? y

Restarting sendmail...
9 aliases, longest (ferriewu) 23 bytes, 161 bytes total
SMTP Mail Service restarted

                --- End ---
Received on Mon Jan 08 1996 - 16:01:21 NZDT

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