Xserver setup for PMAG-F

From: Phil Antoine <antoine_at_RadOnc.Duke.EDU>
Date: Wed, 10 Jan 1996 16:21:14 -0500

(Sent this to dec-managers yesterday, sorry for possible duplication)

I've got a DEC 3000 Model 400 Alpha system that I'm trying to set up
from scratch with Digital Unix 3.2C. All is well until xdm starts
the xserver. The system panics. Upon further examination it
appears that the default device driver is set up for the TX graphics

I've poked around, and tried some things but I can't seem to get it
going with the device driver library for the PMAG-F PGX Turbo
graphics card we've got in this system.

Of course I could be way out in left field. I just looked at the
setup on a new machine with the ZLXP-E3 graphics and the setup
appears to be identical to the default stuff. I'm really confused.

Does anyone have a working setup of the PMAG-F PGX Turbo
graphics option with the correct lib setup in
/usr/lib/X11/Xserver.conf and wherever else I might be missing?

Thanks in advance,

Phil Antoine (antoine_at_RadOnc.Duke.EDU)
Duke University Medical Center
Radiation Oncology Physics
Durham, North Carolina USA
Received on Wed Jan 10 1996 - 22:44:33 NZDT

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