I asked:
> Subject says it all really, apart from what
> will be the status of CDE is this release?
> Many thanks
> Ian
Many thanks for the replies, general consensus is that the
release date is around March 1996, with CDE being the
default user interface.
>From kaiser_at_heron.enet.dec.com Thu Jan 25 17:42 GMT 1996
Call me at +33-
CDE will be the default user interface.
>From Daniel.Clar_at_supelec.fr Thu Jan 25 17:43 GMT 1996
Release next spring. CDE will be the default window manager.
>From rockwell_at_rch.dec.com Thu Jan 25 18:20 GMT 1996
On Thu, 25 Jan 1996 15:48:27 GMT ian_at_stams.strath.ac.uk wrote:
> Subject says it all really, apart from what
> will be the status of CDE is this release?
I'd expect to see it in early Q2 CY1996.
CDE will be the default user interface in V4. Expect bug fixes and
better integration with Digital UNIX features (such as the security
architecture and system management) over that which you see in the
ADK that ships with V3.2. Otherwise, the basic functionality that
you see with the ADK is what you'll get in V4.
>From msdc!daleb_at_uunet.uu.net Thu Jan 25 18:20 GMT 1996
I spoke with some folks at DEC CSC a couple of weeks ago; release of
v4.0 is slated for this March. v3.2D is apparently a patch release of
some things they didn't want to wait for v4.0 to get out in the field.
I'm not a CDE user, but CDE itself is supposed to be real slick in v4.0,
That's all I know. Not much....
>From ron_barrett_at_corp.cubic.com Thu Jan 25 20:26 GMT 1996
DEC is planning on making CDE the default windowing environment in DU 4.0. This came
from DECUS in December.
>From tpb_at_zk3.dec.com Thu Jan 25 20:42 GMT 1996
> Subject says it all really, apart from what
> will be the status of CDE is this release?
Probably March, 1996. CDE will be fully supported, and will be the default
user interface on systems with adequate (e.g., >32MB) memory.
>From jwright_at_phy.ucsf.edu Thu Jan 25 22:01 GMT 1996
i asked dec this. all answers unofficial, but... 3.2d was just released
in january 96. they currently employ quarterly releases (to a rough
approximation). thus the guess was not to expect it before march 96.
Received on Fri Jan 26 1996 - 11:19:41 NZDT