SUMMARY: A belated fuser for Digital UNIX summary

From: <>
Date: Mon, 29 Jan 96 15:00:57 PST

        My apologies for my delayed summary. My thanks to:

Hugh Messenger
Tonny Madsen
Dave Thompson
Darren Bock
Johannes Grosen

There are two good options for finding open file status on Digital UNIX, lsof
and fuser. lsof is available from (among other places) and fuser is
a wrapper around the libc fuser() routine provided by Darren and included

 * fuser - Reports PIDs and UIDs for files, file systems and/or the devices
attached to them.
 * This is so simple it makes you wonder why DEC didn't bother to
do it themselves.
 * Produced at Pacific Star Communicatons
 * History :
 * 31/12/95 J.Rouse Initial version
 * 31/12/95 D.Bock Added in flags for process type.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/sysinfo.h>
#include <sys/signal.h>
#include <sys/fuser.h>

int argc;
char **argv;
  char *file;
  f_user_t fuser_array[10000]; /* Arbitrary array size */
  int i,fuser_count=0;

  if ( argc != 2 ) {
    printf("Usage: fuser FILE\n");

  file = argv[1];

  /* No buffering */

  fuser_count=fuser(file, 0l, fuser_array, (long) sizeof (fuser_array));
  if ( fuser_count <0 ){
    exit (1);
  } else {
    if (fuser_count > 0 ){
      for ( i=0; i < fuser_count; i++){
        printf("%d", fuser_array[i].fu_pid);
        if (fuser_array[i].fu_flags & (F_CDIR|F_RDIR))
        else if (fuser_array[i].fu_flags & (F_PDIR))
        else if (fuser_array[i].fu_flags & (F_TTY))
        else if (fuser_array[i].fu_flags & (F_TRACE))
        printf(" ");


  /|\   Darren Bock                           E-mail: <>
 *-+-*  Pacific Star Communications Pty Ltd   Tel:    +61 7 3405 5639
  \|*   GPO Box 2453                          Fax:    +61 7 3405 5095
   *    Brisbane Qld 4001                     Mob:
*  Pacific Star will not be held responsible for this transmission  *
Name: Ron Barrett
Date: 1/29/96
Time: 3:00:57 PM
Received on Tue Jan 30 1996 - 00:49:15 NZDT

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