Returned mail (fwd)

From: Maximilian C. Fernandes <>
Date: Thu, 1 Feb 1996 12:09:17 -0200 (EDT)

attached mail follows:

  Hello again managers,
 Well, somebody asked me to summarize it, so here it goes..
 Oh! By the way..I need another help, I am looking for Listproc ou
Majordomo to OSF/1 3.2. I installed a version of Listproc, but
unfortanlly, it did not compiled, so, where can I get the last version or
a specific version for OSF/1??
 Again, many thanks in advance, and here is the summary.
Thanks to:
Larry Griffith <>
Peter Stern <>
Christophe Colle <>
Jack Burton <>
David Metsky <>
Murat Balci <>
Tom Blinn <>

 All of them above, recommended man vacation.

Mike Austin <> recommended:
> The Vacation program is useful for letting people know that
>you're temporarily gone or that you have a new e-mail address that they
>should be using. When set up correctly, you will receive the sender's
>message and they will receive a "canned" message.
> To set up Vacation for your account: First, using your favorite
>unix editor (pico, emacs, vi, etc), create and edit the file
>'.vacation.msg'. This is the text users will receive in the "canned"
>message. Do this by typing:
> emacs .vacation.msg
> Write as much text as you want. Here are some examples:
> Hi there. I'm off to sunny Florida for the next few weeks! I
>will receive your message, but obviously I won't be able to reply. If
>you have pressing needs, you can contact my colleague Charlie Catamount
> Next, edit your .forward file. The .forward file is what really
>makes vacation work. Again, using pico, to edit this file type:
> pico .forward
> You'll have a single line in the format of:
><your-account-name>,"|/usr/bin/vacation <your-account-name>"
> Example:
> mkapoodle,"|/usr/bin/vacation mkapoodle"
> Finally, type:
> vacation -I
>at your prompt. This will create some files in your directory to make
>vacation work.
> Now you're all set! Any message sent to you will be kept in your
>mailbox. The sender will receive a message back with the text from
> In the case that you come back from vacation and want to stop the
>vacation program from running, the easiest solution is to type:
> rm .forward
>This will remove the .forward file.
>--, recommended:
>If you look in man pages for vacation, that program creates
$HOME/.vacation.pageand $HOME/.vacation.dir and if you want to forward your
mail it will create
>a $HOME/.forward too.
And finally, Kerl Ludwig <>:

>Hi Maximilian,
>I investigated the same problem just a few days ago and found the
>following solution in the comp.mail.sendmail newsgroup. I have not
>tested it yet but it seems very likely that it will work.
>Digital Equipment GmbH Karl-Ludwig Frick
>Postfach 810247 _at_UFC Munich, Germany
>Gutenbergstr. 3 DTN: 865-2718
>D-81902 Muenchen Tel.: +49-89-9591-2718 Fax -2575
> Re: Automatic replies
> Date:
> 19 Jan 1996 02:35:46 GMT
> From:
> (Wes Brown)
> Case Western Reserve University
> Newsgroups:
> comp.mail.sendmail
> References:
> 1
> wrote:
>: Hi all,
>: Does anyone know what switches to throw in that marvelous
>: file to create an automatic email reply for all mail to a particular
>: account?
>: Intuition says that I need to configure sendmail as well as deliver.
>: Thanks,
>: jim
>You do not need to do anything with the file.
>>From the deliver 2.0 samples: (just modify the vacation script)
>: u-vacation
># A user delivery file for when you're on vacation.
># The ALREADY file remembers who you've already mailed vacation messages
># The BEBACK string is the date you will return.
>BEBACK="on July 4, 1776"
>echo "$1" # Keep the mail!
>if grep '^'${SENDER}'$' $ALREADY >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
> exit 0 # We already notified this person; reject
>case $SENDER in
>*uucp) exit 0 ;; # Not a human; reject
>*daemon) exit 0 ;; # Not a human; reject
>*DAEMON) exit 0 ;; # Not a human; reject
>*!*) ;;
>*_at_*) ;;
>## *) exit 0 ;; # Local user; reject (maybe)
># Remember this person
># Send the vacation message
>SUBJECT=`header -f subject $HEADER`
>mail -s "I'm on vacation" $SENDER <<!EOF!
>Your message to me on the subject
>has been delivered. However, I am on vacation, so I have not yet
>read your message. I will be back $BEBACK.
>This is the only such message you will receive.
>Thank you.
>Wes Brown
  Thanks again to everybody, and please do not forget about
Listproc ot Majordomo..:))
  See ya..

Maximilian Canez Fernandes
Member of Team OS/2 Brasil - "Warp the Planet"
Guerrilla UNIX Development - "Venimus, Vidimus, Dolavimus"
| UNIVERSIDADE FEDERAL DE PELOTAS | Maximilian Fernandes (madmax) |
| Centro de Informatica | Adenauer Yamin (adenauer) |
| Assessoria Tecnica e Administrativa | Henrique Vianna (hvianna) |
| Grupo de Gerencia de Redes | Roger Trarbach (roger) |
| Fones: (0532) 75-7130 e 75-7132 | |
"Some people cry and some people die by the wicked ways of love;
but I'll just keep on rollin' along, with the grace of the lord above."
Led Zeppelin II - Heartbreaker
Received on Thu Feb 01 1996 - 15:47:35 NZDT

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