[S] Vacations again

From: Carlos Sanchez <csanchez_at_cirp.es>
Date: Tue, 6 Feb 1996 10:05:25 +0100 (MET)

On Thu, 1 Feb 1996, Carlos Sanchez wrote:

> Hello managers,
> On using "vacations", should the user unsubscribe from all mailing lists
> or are there any way to not replay the messages received from them?
> Thanks in advance,

Reply for Ed Osterman:

>Most mailing lists send mail with the 'precedence' set to 'bulk' kind of
>like a flag saying the mail is junk mail. Most vacation programs do not
>reply to these messages.

Reply for Jon Reeves:

>If a mailing list includes the Precedence: bulk header, vacation will
>not reply. You'll note that this mailing list includes that header.
>There ara other conditions, as spelled out on the man page, that will
>suppress a reply.

Reply for Eric Bennett:

>Remember that messages to mailing lists will not arrive To: the user;
>the To: field wil contain the mailing list address.

Thanks to all of them!.

It's true. On the man page of vacation says that no vacation message is
sent if (...) a Precedence: bulk or Precedence: junk line is included in
the header.

I test it in my mailing lists and no vacation message was sent when the
precedence was bulk or junk.

    ------------------------------ ---------------------------------
      J. Carlos Sanchez Rivas Centro de Investigacions
| Linguisticas e Literarias |
| Responsable de Sistemas Hardware | "Ramon Pi~neiro" |
| | |
| e-mail: csanchez_at_cirp.es | Estrada Santiago-Noia Km.3 A Barcia |
| Tfno.: +34 (9)81 542690 15896 - Santiago de Compostela |
      Fax. : +34 (9)81 542553 Galicia (SPAIN)
    ------------------------------ ---------------------------------
Received on Tue Feb 06 1996 - 10:29:57 NZDT

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