SUMMARY: Memory usage between DU 2.0 & 3.2

From: David Gempton <>
Date: Mon, 12 Feb 1996 10:43:05 +-1300

Many thanks to:
Dave Cherkus
Ross Alexander

My original question:
Can anyone tell me if when upgrading from DU 2.0 to DU 3.2(C or D) there would be a change in the amount of memory being used by the system.

The situation I have is 17 x AXP 150's most of them with 32MB of RAM. They are all running an application written in Universe. The customer wants to upgrade to version 8 of Universe and this requires an upgrade to DU 3.2x.

As all the AXP systems are currently using nearly all of their 32MB of RAM I need to have a clear idea of what will happen to the memory usage when they are upgraded to DU3.2.

I plan to strip out as many Kernel stacks as I can for example I wont need:

If anyone has any test data that shows what happen to memory usage when they upgraded to 3.2 I'd greatly appreciate it if they could send a copy.

Also if you have any suggestions on ways to minimize memory usage (without killing performance) that would be great to.

The answers:
Dave Cherkus -----
I know for a fact that a lot of work went into v3.2c to make its
footprint smaller. The work was called the 'osf-lite' project. I
suggest you do a search of the archives of this list to see if you can
find out anything about the osf-lite project. I think someone posted
some hints on how to tune this lite config. Also, search the online
books (the perf guide to start) for small memory / lite systems.
I've no hard figures but DU 3.2C and above are much more memory
efficient than previous versions. We've got loads of 32 Mb machines
here and they became much more usable once I installed 3.2C.

Ross Alexander, ve6pdq -- (403) 675 6311 --
Things get much better. The 3.x series systems have much smaller
memory footprints; my 2000/300 pretty much stopped paging, which
was a vast relief ;).
Received on Sun Feb 11 1996 - 23:01:07 NZDT

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