Dear all,
Here's the story so far. I've got a hard disk sitting in one of these nice new
StorageWorks boxes hooked up to an Ultrix 4.4 server. This server machine is
used by a number of Ultrix clients. I've also got a Digital Unix server used by
a number of Digital Unix clients.
Here's my intention. I intend taking this StorageWorks box to the Digital Unix
server and in this way starting the process of unifying user's accounts.
So my question is - can I naively take the StorageWorks box off the Ultrix
machine and connect it to the DU machine, and have the DU machine recognise all
the partitions and data currently set up in the disk. I am currently in the
process of doing a back-up of the disk contents. So do you have any advise,
pointers, warnings for me.
I guess my major worry is can partitions and data placed on a disk by an Ultrix
system, be recognised wholesale by a Digital Unix (3.2) system?
All help would be appreciated as I'm hoping to attempt it in about 24 hours!!!!
Dr Graeme M Burt
Centre for Electrical Power Engineering
University of Strathclyde
204 George Street Tel: +44 (0)141 552 4400 X2990
Glasgow G1 1XW Fax: +44 (0)141 552 2487
Scotland E-mail:
Received on Mon Feb 12 1996 - 19:30:22 NZDT