Summary: How to Showcase a 2100

From: Len Senetza <>
Date: Fri, 16 Feb 1996 09:37:49 -0800 (PST)

Sorry for the delay on this, but as you can imagine there's a lot to be
done when you get some new servers...

Most of the answers that I received to my question regarding showcasing
a 2100 were "Send me what you get as well, please". The other messages


| Len Senetza               | Email: | still looking for |
| Network Administrator     |    | something cute to |
| Cyberion Networking Corp. | Phone; (604) 501-5406   | put in here...    |
| Surrey, B.C.              | FAX;   (604) 501-5440   |                   |
>From Wed Jan 31 17:00 PST 1996
	The "acm" program is a graphical flight simulator.  The last
version I have is version 4.7 and it was available at
(There may be a newer version by now.)  I hope this is the program you
are referring to.
Larry Griffith                       Dept. of Computer & Info Science          Westfield State College
(413) 572-5294                       Westfield, MA 01086 USA
PGP public key available at:
>From Wed Jan 31 12:58 PST 1996
In comparison to workstations though, its graphic performance is actually
pretty low with the default QVision (EISA) graphic adapter. I wouldn't
hold it as an example of Alpha graphic performance.   The 2100 was
designed and sold as a server, and the graphic adapter that was chosen
was chosen with this in mind.  It's there to serve as a console device,
not as a workstation interface.  The QVision tops out at around 2 XMarks.
In comparison, a single-CPU Alpha workstation with TGA can hit around 19. 
To show off its best performance, you want to do something that has a good
mix of computes and I/O.
| Rob Lembree                                   <> |
| Digital UNIX X Servers                                              |
| Digital Equipment Corporation                                       |
| 110 Spitbrook Road, ZKO3-2/W04                Tel: (603) 881-0901   |
| Nashua, NH 03062-2698                         Fax: (603) 881-2257   |      
|                                                                     |
| URL:                      |
| PGP-2.6.2 key available upon request                                |
| PGP fingerprint =  1F EE F8 58 30 F1 B1 20  C5 4F 12 21 AD 0D 6B 29 |
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Received on Fri Feb 16 1996 - 19:04:25 NZDT

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