[SUMMARY] cc and ld

From: Jean-Loup Risler <Jean-Loup.Risler_at_genetique.uvsq.fr>
Date: Wed, 21 Feb 96 19:26:44 +0100

Hi all,

As usual, I got the answers to my questions almost before I sent them!

1) First question: while porting a package written for SUNs, should I remove
   the "long" qualifiers in the C sources?

The answers were: "it depends....".

I quote the following answer by Bert Deknuydt (some others were similar):
> No, normally not. As long as the original programmer used his 'int' and
> 'long int' consistently, you probably will not have many problems.

So I did not change anything...

2) Second question: should I compile with the -xtaso_short flag?

Answer from the same source:
> In most cases, no. Unless the original program depended heavily on the
> actual size of pointers. Which is *bad* anyhow (except in rare cases).

So I did not use the flag...

3) Then I had problems with the loader which could not fine "dnet_conn",
   "dnet_addr" and "get nodebyname"

Here is the answer by the same Bert Deknuydt (and others gave the same):
> This happens if you link against the X library, but not the DECNET library.
> Add -ldnet to your link line, or, in case you don't use DECNET,
> -ldnet_stub, which contains dummy functions to satisfy the linker.

This made it and everything went just fine. Now the package works!

Note also that Laurent Flamand reminded me of the free software called
"Freeport Express" which translates SUNs executables to Alpha DU
It is available from http://www.novalink.com or ftp://freeport.novalink.com

But I could not log into their ftp server... I'll give it a try later.

My deepest thanks to:

flamand_at_eclia1.ec-lille.fr (Laurent Flamand)
larry_at_garfield.wsc.mass.edu (Larry Griffith)
beb_at_rosat.mpe-garching.mpg.de (Bernt Christandl)
ejones16_at_ford.com (Ed Jones)
alan_at_nabeth.cxo.dec.com (Alan Rollow)
demarthe_at_muguet.saclay.cea.fr (Herve Demarthe)
ERIC_at_UOFT02.UTOLEDO.EDU (Eric Jon Rostetter)

and maybe others to come...



| Jean-Loup Risler               |                                  |
| Universite de Versailles       | Tel: (33-1) 39 25 45 54          |
| Lab. Genome et Informatique    | Fax: (33-1) 39 25 45 69          |
| Batiment Buffon                |                                  |
| 45 Avenue des Etats-Unis       | email: risler_at_genetique.uvsq.fr  |
| 78035  Versailles Cedex France |                                  |
Received on Wed Feb 21 1996 - 19:52:11 NZDT

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