Dec 3000/300 tty00 Problems

From: Stavros Stavrinos <>
Date: Wed, 21 Feb 1996 23:56:30 +0300

Hi all,

I am trying very hard to connect a modem to the serial port - the 25 pin
connector at the back of the Dec Station 3000/300 tty00 so that I can login
from home. The 3000/300 is running with OSF/1 2.1.

I did not think it would be so difficult. Here is what I did up to now
following the suggestions of Dale Blasingame ( who has
successfully configured a dialin modem on a 3000/300LX. Thank you very much

1. Put an entry in the /etc/inittab file:
                tty00:23:respawn:/usr/sbin/getty tty00 dialin vt100
2. Put an entry in the /etc/gettydefs file :
dialin# B19200 HUPCL CS8 # B19200 SANE IXANY TAB3 HUPCL CS8 #login: #dialin

3. Run init q (in order to re-read the inittab file)

4. Once I do step 3 i start getting repeated messages in the dxconsole saying:
                 getty: cannon open tty00 errno: 6

5. I did a /dev/MAKEDEV scc0 and two files were created (scc0 is the ontroller):
                 tty00 and tty01

6. Nothing happened so rebuilt the kernel with:

                 doconfig -c EACA02

(EACA02 is the name of the machine)

I moved vmunix to the root and rebooted but I still get the above message
both during boot and later repeated continously in the dxconsole.

7. I removed the lines from the above files, did an "init q" and tried the
uucpsetup script. As soon as I chode option 2 (configure a direct line
connection) i got the message :

           There are no ttys available, direct line cannon be configured

Any advise from experts or non-experts ?

Thanks for bearing with me.

Stavros Stavrinos
T/D Dept. Operations
SCADA Division
Received on Wed Feb 21 1996 - 23:19:13 NZDT

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