Quick question!
We're coding a user registery system on a DU3.2D system running C2 and
NIS. We can successfully add entries to the /var/yp/src/{passwd,prpasswd}
files on the NIS Master, but we're a bit worried about file locking. Does
anyone have any idea how NIS goes about locking these files?
Ultrix Enhanced Security used to lock it's /var/dss/namedb/src/ files
(using hesupd_auth & hesupd_auth), so we figure DU must do something, right?
Andrew "Alf" Leahy, phone: +61 47 360622
Computer Systems Officer, mailto:alf_at_st.nepean.uws.edu.au
Department of Computing, UWS Nepean
Received on Thu Feb 22 1996 - 14:36:57 NZDT