How to deal with "pig" exiting ?

From: CEA France <Herve>
Date: Thu, 29 Feb 96 11:07:34 +0100

Hello morning DUW (Digital Unix Workers) !

For some reasons (mains failure, bad habits, X emulator running on
a micro under a "local" window managers and exited unsmartly = w/o
closing the applications) the link b/w a "terminal" and a server may
be broken or unproperly closed.

When such a thing occur, I can watch running on the server "orphan"
(or tty-less) processes swallowing huge amounts of CPU for days and
days ...

This problem does not show up when a Unix session manager has been
launched (dtwm, mwm, ...) because the TCP/IP socket is closing at
some time (do you know the value ?) and is is properly handled by
the window manager. Hence our "true" X terminals are not affected.

On the micros, we use eXceed on PC's and eXodus on Mac's but the
behaviour is probably the same under any X emulator.

Did some of you already deal with this nuisance ? What are the tools
which can be used (hopefully automatic and even better free !) ?

One obvious answer is user education, but it is rather utopic and
unappropriate in case of mains failure.
Where is the time of serial lines with their good old lost carrier !

Thanks in advance for your help,
| Herve DEMARTHE %^) E-Mail: |
| CEA/DSM/DRFC/STEP Tel: +33 42257527 Fax: +33 42252661 |
| CEN Cadarache Bt 506 13108 St Paul Lez Durance FRANCE |
| <<< Aprendiz de todo, Maestro de nada ... >>> |
| All opinions expressed herein are mine and not those of CEA. |
Received on Thu Feb 29 1996 - 11:42:14 NZDT

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