From: J. Dubois (Analog S.I.) <"J.>
Date: Mon, 4 Mar 1996 09:42:50 -0500 (EST)

I guess I should've looked at the archives first! Anyway 'trace' is out
there and here is where you can find it!

ftp at al.mrc-lmb.cam.ac.uk/pub/alpha-trace-*.tar.gz

>From rcn_at_insoft.comMon Mar 4 09:36:02 1996
Date: Fri, 1 Mar 1996 14:12:51 -0500
From: "Ravi C. Nukala" <rcn_at_insoft.com>
To: j_dubois_at_analog.ca
Subject: Re: TRACE for DU

Try ftp at al.mrc-lmb.cam.ac.uk/pub/alpha-trace-*.tar.gz

it compiles on DU3.0 without any modifications. If you want I can mail you a
tarred gzipped slightly older version that I down loaded some time ago.

- RAvi

Ravi Nukala ravi_at_insoft.com
InSoft Inc., 717 730 9501 x133

        All opinions expressed here are my own.

>From gadbois_at_cyc.comMon Mar 4 09:36:12 1996
Date: Fri, 1 Mar 1996 14:21-0600
From: David Gadbois <gadbois_at_cyc.com>
To: Jean Dubois <j_dubois_at_analog.ca>
Subject: TRACE for DU

    Date: Fri, 1 Mar 1996 12:55-0600
    From: Jean Dubois <j_dubois_at_analog.ca>

    Does anyone know where I can find the 'trace' utility that compiles on DU?


Check the archives at
http://www-archives.stanford.edu/lists/mlists.html. Your question was
answered there a few weeks ago.

>From john_at_iastate.eduMon Mar 4 09:36:18 1996
Date: Fri, 01 Mar 1996 16:43:16 CST
From: John Hascall <john_at_iastate.edu>
To: Jean Dubois <j_dubois_at_analog.ca>
Subject: Re: TRACE for DU

> Does anyone know where I can find the 'trace' utility that compiles on DU?


   This is an update of:

| The original version of this program was done by James Bonfield
| (jkb_at_mrc-lmb.cam.ac.uk) - the OSF/1 and Alpha community have benefitted
| greatly from this work. As he was unable/unwilling to support this code,
| I took his version, and have modified it extensively and I'm now looking
| after it. Any bug reports, enhancements, or even just a note saying
| whether it works for you, can be sent to me at the address below.
| Share & Enjoy!
| Anthony Baxter <anthony_at_aaii.oz.au>
| Australian Artificial Intelligence Institute,

   I have tried to send my additions back to Anthony Baxter,
   but without any success so far.

   I think an older version may still be found at ftp.mrc-lmb.cam.ac.uk
   but that site is mind-bogglingly slow: 55 BYTES/second (at least from
   this side of the pond).

>From win_at_tukan.ffb.eunet.deMon Mar 4 09:36:23 1996
Date: Sat, 2 Mar 1996 00:28:22 +0100
From: Winfried Huber <win_at_tukan.ffb.eunet.de>
To: j_dubois_at_analog.ca
Subject: Re: TRACE for DU

>>>>> "Jean" == Jean Dubois <j_dubois_at_analog.ca> writes:

  Jean> Does anyone know where I can find the 'trace' utility that
  Jean> compiles on DU? Thanks, /jean

Hi Jean,
  some weeks ago (early february) there has been a pointer to trace
for DU. I grabbed it (but I don't know from where).

Have a look at the archive of this list at

if you don't get a better pointer.


Winfried Huber, Softwarehaus Huber & Boehm,	voice: +49 8142 13038
Illerweg 6, D-82140 Olching, Germany		fax:   +49 8142 18612
>From peter_at_wiscpa.weizmann.ac.ilMon Mar  4 09:36:39 1996
Date: Sun, 3 Mar 1996 08:49:52 +0200 (IST)
From: Peter Stern <peter_at_wiscpa.weizmann.ac.il>
To: j_dubois_at_analog.ca
Subject: SUMMARY: trace command in DU (with source) (fwd)
Forwarded message:
> From peter Mon Feb  5 14:25:58 1996
> Subject: SUMMARY: trace command in DU (with source)
> To: alpha-osf-managers_at_ornl.gov
> Date: Mon, 5 Feb 1996 14:25:58 +0200 (IST)
> X-Mailer: ELM [version 2.4 PL24]
> Content-Type: text
> Content-Length: 766       
> I originally asked: 
> > Is there a trace command as on say, SunOS in Digital Unix to trace
> > system calls and signals.
> And I reported that Ian Piumarta <piumarta_at_prof.inria.fr>
> kindly sent me such a command (in fact the program).
> Since then, about 16 people have requested this command, and one of
> them, Marlon Cole <Marlon.Cole_at_nottingham.ac.uk> has graciously
> consented to post the program (with my modifications to get it to
> compile on DUnix 3.2c) on his anonymous ftp server.  It is available
> at:
> ftp://ftp.ccc.nottingham.ac.uk/pub/unix/examples/trace.tar.gz
> Many thanks to Marlon and Ian and my apologies for taking so long.
> It's been one of those weeks.
> Enjoy.
> Peter Stern
> Chemical Physics Department
> Weizmann Institute of Science
> 76100 Rehovot, ISRAEL
--David Gadbois
>From cczcole_at_unix.ccc.nottingham.ac.ukMon Mar  4 09:36:43 1996
Date: Mon, 04 Mar 1996 10:19:17 +0000
From: Marlon Cole <cczcole_at_unix.ccc.nottingham.ac.uk>
To: Jean Dubois <j_dubois_at_analog.ca>
Cc: cczcole_at_unix.ccc.nottingham.ac.uk
Subject: Re: TRACE for DU 
Hi Jean, you wrote:
: Does anyone know where I can find the 'trace' utility that compiles on DU?
You must be a new subscriber :-)
This only came up a couple of weeks ago, and as a result I made it available
from our anonymous FTP server:
compiles & runs fine under 3.2C (at least!)
Marlon Cole             email: Marlon.Cole_at_nottingham.ac.uk
Systems Section         Tel:   0115 951 3398
Cripps Computing Centre URL: http://www.ccc.nottingham.ac.uk/~cczcole/Home.html
University of Nottingham, ENGLAND.
Received on Mon Mar 04 1996 - 16:16:19 NZDT

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