Q: Current Version of Unix & Upgrade paths

From: UW-Platteville Gopher and WWW Admin. <GOPHERADMIN_at_uwplatt.edu>
Date: Tue, 05 Mar 1996 09:25:08 -0600 (CST)

The latest version of DU I have is 3.2D has 4.0 been released and going to hit
my desk sometime soon?

My current upgrade path would be to upgrade all my boxes
3.2 -> 3.2C -> 3.2D-1

or would it just be simpler (And am I allowed to) ?
3.2 -> 4.0

And also, how does everybody find out about these new relases and such so fast?

--Brett M. Thorson
Received on Tue Mar 05 1996 - 17:08:31 NZDT

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