How long needed for doing fsck?

From: <> <>
Date: Mon, 11 Mar 1996 19:08:32 +0800 (SST)

Hi osf managers,

Please pardon me if this sounds trivial to some of you. We are thinking
of converting our mail file system from Advfs to UFS because Advfs is
putting too much load on cpu 0. However, we don't have any experience
with running UFS on such a dynamic file system and so we are rather
concerned with regards to how long would it take to do fsck. Moreover,
we are not able to get any system downtime to do our own testing. Any
rough estimates from anyone especially if you have lots of open files?
Our file system has got 24,000 files and we got to cater for the worst
case (ie all the files are open). Our system is DEC/7000 model 730
running DUNIX 3.2c.

Thank you all for your valuable help in advance.

  Chang Koon Wang
  National University of Singapore
  Computer Centre Tel: 772-2477
  10, Kent Ridge Crescent Fax: 778-0198
  Singapore 0511 Internet:
Received on Mon Mar 11 1996 - 12:42:43 NZDT

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