Seagate ST43400N on a AlphaStation 600 5/266

From: Hellebo Knut <>
Date: Thu, 14 Mar 1996 14:34:08 +0100


We're having trouble with our AlphaStation 600 5/266. It just won't accept
the Seagate 43400N attached to the narrow SCSI port at the back. When we
first attached the disk it took about 45 secs before it showed up with 'sho
dev', but labeling the disk went apparently OK. I say apparently because in
the logs there were some alarming messages telling

Mar 13 15:41:02 bgubda01 vmunix: cam_logger: CAM_ERROR packet
Mar 13 15:41:02 bgubda01 vmunix: cam_logger: bus 0 target 1 lun 0
Mar 13 15:41:02 bgubda01 vmunix: cdisk_op_spin
Mar 13 15:41:02 bgubda01 vmunix: Device Not Ready
Mar 13 15:41:03 bgubda01 vmunix: Hard Error Detected
Mar 13 15:41:03 bgubda01 vmunix: UNKNOWN
Mar 13 15:41:03 bgubda01 vmunix: Active CCB at time of error
Mar 13 15:41:03 bgubda01 vmunix: BUS free


Mar 13 15:51:42 bgubda01 vmunix: isp0: restarting
Mar 13 15:51:45 bgubda01 vmunix: isp0: isp1020 registers:
Mar 13 15:51:45 bgubda01 vmunix: reinit_code 0x3
Mar 13 15:51:45 bgubda01 vmunix: request_ip 0x c, request_op 0x
Mar 13 15:51:45 bgubda01 vmunix: response_ip 0x 7, response_op 0x
Mar 13 15:51:45 bgubda01 vmunix: mbox_out[0] 0x4000, mbox_out[2] 0x
, mbox_out[4] 0x c
Mar 13 15:51:45 bgubda01 vmunix: mbox_out[1] 0x 0, mbox_out[3] 0x

I was able to create a LSM volume containing a partition from the systemdisk
(rz0) and a partition on the failing disk (rz1). On top of that volume I
created an AdvFS. I was able to mount the AdvFS and everything seemed OK
until yesterday when we had to reboot. I am now unable to mount the AdvFS,
getting messages like

domain#fileset on /mount/point: Bad file number

I recently saw a posting where someone claimed the ISP1020 Qlogic controller
was broken on the 600 5/266. What about the truth contents in this rumour ?
Any other ideas, anyone???

      *         Knut Helleboe                    | DAMN GOOD COFFEE !! *
      *         Norsk Hydro a.s                  | (and hot too)       *
      * Phone: +47 55 996870, Fax: +47 55 996342 |                     *
      * Pager: +47 96 500718                     |                     *
      * E-mail:       | Dale Cooper, FBI    *
Received on Thu Mar 14 1996 - 15:13:07 NZDT

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