Cannot map library lib_dec_pvp.sp on ZLXp-L1 System

From: Peter Averkamp <>
Date: Fri, 15 Mar 1996 18:00:21 +0100

Hi fellow admins,

we have just installed DEC UNIX 3.2c on a system that is equipped with
a ZLXp-L1. Installtion went smooth, but X won't start;
The error Message says it all: Cannot load library _dec_pvp: dlopen Cannot map..

etc., which simply says: the file is missing from the
library path.

We checked - it is indeed missing from the entire disk. Nor did we find
it in any inventory file of our installation media.
Funny enough, the kernel detects the beast fine:

....vmunix: pvp0 at PCI0 slot 12

We are confused ???!!! What did we do wrong?

P.S.: We did also install the Open3D subset, but apparently this did
not do anything to the above problem.

Peter Averkamp,                      | email:
Physics Department E20               |
Techn. Univ. of Munich               | Phone: ++49 (89) 3209-2408 and -2814
D-85748 Garching, Germany            | Fax:   ++49 (89) 3209-2338
Received on Fri Mar 15 1996 - 18:29:26 NZDT

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