FTP mystery

From: Karen Thomas <kthomas_at_dilbert.sysoff.ctstateu.edu>
Date: Fri, 15 Mar 1996 15:57:41 -0500

I am trying to FTP from my Digital UNIX machine to another machine on our
network. When I do FTP as root, I am able to do it fine. But when I FTP as
myself, it gives me login invalid at remote node. I know that it is my unix
machine definitely. I verified by trying to FTP to 3 different systems with
3 different operating systems (VMS, SUN and ULTRIX) and different accounts
--> Same thing each time I tried to use my UNIX account and not root.

This is what the error looks like when I tried to go to a local VMS machine:

Name (vmsmachine:unixuser): vmsuser
331 User name (vmsuser) ok. Password, please.
530 %SYSTEM-F-INVLOGIN, login information invalid at remote node
Login failed.
Remote system type is VMS.

I used a network sniffer to see what packets were actually being transferred
across the network and saw that the password was a null string. It never
prompted me for a password either. Just gave me an invalid error because
it was looking at the null string as my password.

I am stumped! I need help please!


Karen Thomas

Connecticut State University System Office
Received on Fri Mar 15 1996 - 22:21:10 NZDT

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