SUMMARY: Cannot map library lib_dec_pvp.sp on ZLXp-L1 System

From: Peter Averkamp <>
Date: Wed, 20 Mar 1996 13:15:42 +0100

The Problem was:

We installed Dec Unix 3.2c in a machine with a ZLXp-L1 graphics adapter.
X server said: Cannot load library _dec_pvp ...
i.e., the device driver was missing, although we had installed th Open3D


We had version 2.62 of Open3D. The PCI Pixelvision card is only supported at
version 3.00 or above. After knowing that, we obtained version 3.20 of
the Open3D subset and installed - the install did an automatic kernel
rebuild. After that, the machine would not boot anymore, but barf with an
'invalid Kernel Stack' message.

Then we did a complete re-install with Dec Unix 3.2b and Open3D 3.20 - and
the card worked. (and it worked impressively well...)

Thanks to:
 Knut Helleboe <>
 Jari Tavi <>
 Olle Eriksson <>
 Magnus Harlander <>

 and a very, very helpful soul at DEC who must remain unnamed,
 because she helped us BIG TIME, although it was NOT her duty.

 (Good to see some real souls left in this company,
  in spite of boneheaded Sales-Droids and MBA-beancounters!)


Peter Averkamp,                      | email:
Physics Department E20               |
Techn. Univ. of Munich               | Phone: ++49 (89) 3209-2408 and -2814
D-85748 Garching, Germany            | Fax:   ++49 (89) 3209-2338
Received on Wed Mar 20 1996 - 13:53:58 NZST

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