Syslog message from snmp_pe

From: Andreas Priebe <>
Date: Wed, 20 Mar 1996 14:41:21 +0100 (MET)


can anybody tell me, what the following syslog message means:

Mar 20 14:23:32 mambo snmp_pe[362]: M114 - More than 1 reply to pei_send_get_reply, timeout may occur

I can't even tell at which facility/level they arrive.
The messages comes at variuos times and it seems to me, that they are not
connected with the load on the hosts (I thought of this, because of the
mention of timeout).
Anybody, who could enlighten me???


Andreas Priebe
With workstations you can do a lot of nonsense. With PC's not even that...
* Andreas Priebe                 * Phone/FAX   +49 331 7499 320/309       *
* Astrophysical Institute        * EMail             *
* Potsdam, Germany               *             (Public PGP Key available) *
Received on Wed Mar 20 1996 - 15:22:24 NZST

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